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New Pole Dance studio in Sheffield City Centre

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I'd love to do this (have done so once before) but it's just terribly expensive. At £7 (and let's say you go weekly, as let's face it - any less than that and you'll never build your strength to do anything strenuous), that's £28 A MONTH!! I can join a gym for that and go every night if I wish and go to all their classes.


Pole might be unique, and I'm trying not to sound like I'm being a pain, but I just can't afford that. Even with a student discount.


If anyone knows of a class for a lower price, sign me up.

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I'd love to do this (have done so once before) but it's just terribly expensive. At £7 (and let's say you go weekly, as let's face it - any less than that and you'll never build your strength to do anything strenuous), that's £28 A MONTH!! I can join a gym for that and go every night if I wish and go to all their classes.


Pole might be unique, and I'm trying not to sound like I'm being a pain, but I just can't afford that. Even with a student discount.


If anyone knows of a class for a lower price, sign me up.


To be fair, a couple of years ago, I saw some advertising at £20 a session. It does seem to have come down in price quite a lot recently.

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I'd love to do this (have done so once before) but it's just terribly expensive. At £7 (and let's say you go weekly, as let's face it - any less than that and you'll never build your strength to do anything strenuous), that's £28 A MONTH!! I can join a gym for that and go every night if I wish and go to all their classes.


Pole might be unique, and I'm trying not to sound like I'm being a pain, but I just can't afford that. Even with a student discount.


If anyone knows of a class for a lower price, sign me up.


To be fair Miss M if you find anywhere cheaper beware.


Pole dancing is a specialised class that gives a total body workout and ultimately is fun at the same time! There is no other fitness or dance class that will work nigh on every major muscle group at once.


To teach it takes experience, I have 4 years and have seen many people injured by cheap instructors (not in Sheffield I might add), the people who tend to be 'cheap' are people who have done a few lessons and think "I'll just stay one step ahead of my students".


Many cheap instructors are also not insured or first aid trained where as I am both so should something happen to you (which as an experienced instructor is unlikely but accidents happen) you have some security.


You are welcome to attend a taster session to see for yourself the effort required which is £4 for a half hour session.


Please choose your instructor carefully and check they are insured and first aid trained.

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Maybe so - and I fully understand the implications of having no insurance, no first aid etc. but surely it would be more benficial to lower prices and have packed out sessions than high cost at low capacity. Contribution to business and all that jazz. Just an observation since things like Zumba are jumping on this bandwagon by offering cheaper classes to attract more people. Also gives off a better atmosphere. Wishful thinking, I guess.


For now though I'm seeing tha attraction of buying a pole from ebay at £30 secondhand and watch youtube.

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I don't think its the type of thing where people would benefit from a packed out class though, it needs a bit of personal tuition and some patience. Its not really like aerobics or Zumba where you can just all stand in a group copying someone at the front, and just laugh if you get it a bit wrong or miss some moves, its at a much higher difficulty level.

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Its a catch22 situation for any instructor that is going it alone, do you have the insurances + certificates which then means you have to up the prices which could put people off?


The other problem is that if you are too cheap then it could imply that you are rubbish, or you could attract people who come along because it is cheap and therefore are unlikely to stick (if its cheap peoples expectations are low - if its more expensive people expect more). At the sessions where I charge the highest prices my classes are fuller and my retention ratio if far higher than it is for the cheaper sessions (depsite the session being exactly the same).


Cheapest is not always the best, for instructor or the client.


Good luck with this venture

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  • 2 months later...

Hey MrsM - DONT buy a £30 pole, they're useless! :gag::gag: They're not designed for anything more than mincing around, which does nothing to help your fitness and is a waste of time... They can't take an adults bodyweight and will fall over if you try to do any sort of spins/tricks on them.


If you really don't have the money for classes thats fair enough but then why throw £30 on something you can't use? There are a few brands of pole that are worth buying but the best is x-pole and even second hand they'll often be at least £100.


Stay safe MrsM! Those cheap poles make me cringe :(

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