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Dating Agencies ! Do they work ?

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Looking at the amount of your posts,i guess you fall into the same category....Sad,lonely and bitter.


I have posted twice as much as you but have been a member twice as long:hihi:


Please dont place me in your gang,as I prefer to be lonely than saddled with poor company.

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For your information idiot! My partner is an academic,and she agreed the Guardian dating site is full of egotistic arseholes.


Gee,an academic who can analyse the posters on the Guardian.Most people posting are being tongue in cheek to wind up the casual readers,and it would appear you and Mrs Pepper took hook line and the rest.Why d the two of you still trawl or are you looking for a quadro?

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Have you seen me clever arse?


Were nt you in the recent Gardian?


"Abrasive IT technician seeks tolerant and accommodating woman,preferably a professional academic-blue stockings welcome for night in round Scrabble board.Myopia an advantage."

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