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2 out of 3 disability claimants could work

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And considering everyone is being sent for a medical, and appeals are successful it shows that the syystem is flawed doesn't it? the new system was meant to weed out the ten percent who allegdly fiddle benefits. 33 percent is 3.3 times more than it's meant to do. As the system thatt ATOS use is basically a computer program, if you know the answers that the assesor needs to hear. You can pass the medical, I don't want to be judged by a computer program, with a government robot inputting my answers. The progrram is called L1MA, that the government is keen on using. Every system is open to abuse, and that has to be stopped. This system does nothing to stop it. £500 million + of taxpayers money wasted. Then even further money wasted on appeals. Get rid of ATOS, AND LET REAL DOCTORS DO A PROPER EXAMINATION. Not so called healthcare professionals, who can get a job at ATOS with 8 days of medical training.

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