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2 out of 3 disability claimants could work

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not on their assessment score.


Yes, on their assessment score. In fact on one occasion, the assessor rang up to double-check on one of those points, to decide whether the claimant was entitled to 14 points or 15 - 15 being the cutoff for the support group. Based on what he was told over the phone, he decided on 15 and placed the claimant in the support group.

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Yes, on their assessment score. In fact on one occasion, the assessor rang up to double-check on one of those points, to decide whether the claimant was entitled to 14 points or 15 - 15 being the cutoff for the support group. Based on what he was told over the phone, he decided on 15 and placed the claimant in the support group.


Like I say, the tests aren;t fit for purpose.


Someone who refuses to leave their room most of the time, to the point that they pee and poo in a bucket is deemed fit for full time work.

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Looks like most people on incapacity benefits wont be for much longer.


According to reports, only 1 in 3 people claiming can not work, the rest "The others were either deemed capable of working immediately or, with suitable help and support, in the forseeable future."


I think this is proof to the sceptics that this test was needed.


Good to know that only people who deserve it will receive these benefits in the future.




I would be interested to know whether the ATOS assessors recieve a bonus for reaching their targets - if you are an assessor are you thinking about the person in front of you or your bonus?

And what is even more worrying is that so many GPs seem to be misdiagnosing 10s of thousands of people every year. Maybe we should close med schools down, and would be doctors given a 4 week training course in medicine by ATOS.

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Explain this one. This so-called "medical" test deemed someone "fit for work" who had a severe spinal injury, cannot walk with out the aid of 2 walking sticks at all and can only walk a short distance, for longer journies they use a mobility scooter.


2 real doctors (a GP and a consultant) have stated that this individual's medical condition prevents the individual from being able to work however ATOS gave him a ZERO score & in HALF the remarks made in the report aboutt his health were NOT assessed.


I get that there are people on the sick that COULD work but this scheme is akin to the 17th century Salem witch hunts & just about as well informed.


I was off work for 20 months after lung cancer surgery and rheumatoid arthritis. I had my ESA stopped after ATOS 'examined' me. My employer was holding my job open for me but my GP and my consultant kept me off work. I appealed to no avail, ATOS had made their UNINFORMED descision so I lived for a few months without benefits then returned to work part time, which is all I am now strong enough to do. The way this apology for a country treats its disabled is shameful, OK, a FEW people may be swinging the lead, but how do you fake lung cancer and rheumatoid arthritis ???? Its scary seeing the number of people who believe all the government rubbish, you lose faith in the common man and think 'your turn will come one day my friend'. All I get in the form of help is a BLUE BADGE for disabled parking.

ATOS are just government lackeys working using criteria which fails almost every claimant. [That is not just my opinion but the opinion of a respected member of the judiciary that I had the experience of meeting] When unemplyment levels nationwide are approaching 10%, why this sudden attack on the disabled ??? ESA has now been extended for cancer patients [another slap in the face for Cameron] as most cancers take a lot longer than a few months to treat. AND BEFORE any of the 'my uncle Sid worked thru' his cancer treatment' morons chip in, I would like to know how anyone can work for at least a year after lung removal when they have other painful conditions AND a physical job. Politicians and accountants should not be allowed to overturn the verdicts of consultant surgeons, oncologists and GP's.

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ATOS are just government lackeys working using criteria which fails almost every claimant. [That is not just my opinion but the opinion of a respected member of the judiciary that I had the experience of meeting]


Since it only fails just over one in three, the opinion is entirely wrong no matter who holds it.

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If HeadingNorth isn't trolling he is genuinely afflicted with an attitude problem. Counselling would be a waste of time for him, he needs something serious to jar him into reality. All he does is split hairs with his one liners just to build up a 'post count'.

A terribly sad man indeed..........

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According to reports, only 1 in 3 people claiming can not work, the rest "The others were either deemed capable of working immediately or, with suitable help and support, in the forseeable future."


So what does that actually mean..


Those that did claim incapacity benefit will now be put on JSA which will increase the unemployment figures even more. They will also still be claiming benefits, albeit by a reduced amount.


The important bit to note here is this; "with suitable help and support, in the forseeable future" and to do this extra people will have to be employed and paid to support those people. As jobs are not that easily available even for the able bodied how will these people get jobs? The government want to support these people and yet have also made the disable people who worked at the Remploy factories redundant.


From personal experience that promised help and support is non-existent despite the blurb that I was given stating it is "tailored to your individual needs."


We are already seeing a hidden increase in the benefits budget as the the expensive Labour "New Deal" is replaced by workfare to the tune of around £5 billion. Despite money being given to the likes of A4E etc the unemployment figures have not reduced by much except by giving these so called advisor's a job to do.


People who work and knock those on benefits may be happy about these decisions but seem to be blind to the fact that its them who will be paying increase taxes to pay for these expensive schemes.


Time to get real as unemployment is here to stay and will steadily increase.

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So what does that actually mean..


In practice, it often means that they never will be judged fit for work; but there is a chance that, with the right support, or the right help - or in the case of someone recovering from, say a major car crash, just by waiting until they are finished recovering - they might be fit for work one day.

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