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2 out of 3 disability claimants could work

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A quadraplegic could be a bingo caller....................


LEAVE OFF THE DISABLED there are thousands of young angry people out there with no work and no money........and the DEVIL FINDS WORK FOR IDLE HANDS...


The trouble is, there is no work to be had.

We need a government to make work, in what I believe was the Keynesian style.

That is, manufacture work, to make work.

When I was young, we had full employment.

Now we have only us old skilled men working.

Very few young men are skilled, and very few are working.

This is not a good outlook for us.

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The trouble is, there is no work to be had.We need a government to make work, in what I believe was the Keynesian style.

That is, manufacture work, to make work.

When I was young, we had full employment.

Now we have only us old skilled men working.

Very few young men are skilled, and very few are working.

This is not a good outlook for us.


Tell that to the government and half the posters on here.


The irony is that there are lots of jobs that need doing, just no one prepared to pay for them to be done.


I honestly can't see how real manufacturing jobs can be created, or sustained when many many manufacturing jobs are being lost abroad or to technology.


Maybe the answer is to divide all jobs in two, and have two part time jobs where there was one full time. The shortfall in salaries would have to be made up with some kind of benefits / tax credits. But how that could be funded I have no idea...

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It might be true that disability may stop some people doing some jobs but there's very few disabilities that stop you doing any job.


In that respect I would say that just about every person on sickness benefits is fit to work, it's just that the work needs to be something they are capable of doing.


Paraplegics, quadraplegics, paranoid schizophrenics, cancer sufferers would find it hard. If the disabled want to do jobs help them, but not force them into something they can not do, or should not need to do

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What about the idle rich young people who have never worked? Should not we force them into work in times of hardship for our country? Or is it ok that they have very wealthy parents and simply live off them? In the final analysis isn't it really us who keeps the scrounging upper classes?:)


If they aren't claiming any benefits then no one can be forced to do anything.

Those previously claiming disability won't be forced to work, they'll simply have a payment they don't qualify for stopped.

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As one of the disabled who will fall into the "fit for work" test, I feel able to comment on this topic.


To the health care professional who will assess me, come and walk a mile in my shoes before making your decision.

I was once like you, in the future you may become like me.




Clearly they can't become you, they can use their medical experience to assess you though, can you suggest another way of doing it? Other than just taking you at your word...

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Is that an excuse someone should be able to use to stay on a benefit that they don't really qualify for?


No but it shouldn't be used an excuse either to take people off benefits they are entitled to. The medical assements are unfair, and it is the wrong time to attack the disabled. People like Richard Branson, Vodafone, Tesco, avoid paying billions in tax, if they paid there share we wouldn't be in this mess. Wealthy bankers, politicians skimming off the system, should take their share of the blame. Make these people pay there share, and the country would be in a better state, of course if you prefer to attack the disable, fair enough.

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I know at least 4 people, family and friends claiming this type of benefit that could easily work .

Some of the people on here day in day out with 40.000 + posts could well work on computers.Like they say its not what you cant do but what you can do.

Just because the jobs are not there it is no excuse.

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A lot of disabled people desperately want to work but are discriminated against by employers (we know it happens in spite of legislation..) What a smack in the eye this thread must be to them.


Remember disabilities don't always show, and manifest themselves in a number of ways.


Mental health is one of the biggest problems. It isn't a tick box illness, and comes in many forms, but if you've got it it can be just as disabling as any other.


Trouble is it's sometimes used as an excuse by unscrupulous people, and they give a bad name to those who are genuinely in need of help and support.


The media of course loves to highlight these cases, giving people the impression that abuse of the system is far more prevelent than it probably is. It also has to be said that the routine of work might help in some cases, but by no means all.


Being harrassed and disbelieved certainly won't help them.

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