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2 out of 3 disability claimants could work

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Clearly they can't become you, they can use their medical experience to assess you though, can you suggest another way of doing it? Other than just taking you at your word...


They could actually take notice of what a person's GP says, and do their job properly. On many occasions they never ask a gp for anny medical evidence, as this would be classed as a higher person, than the healthcare professional. The reality is that the healthcare professional only has to recieve 7 days of medical training, I mean how hard is to type someone's answers into a pc. The medical is biassed, and done delibaretlly to get people off money that most of them are entitled to.

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The trouble is, there is no work to be had.

We need a government to make work, in what I believe was the Keynesian style.

That is, manufacture work, to make work.

When I was young, we had full employment.

Now we have only us old skilled men working.

Very few young men are skilled, and very few are working.

This is not a good outlook for us.


Listening to a guy this morning on the radio.He had to go to America to recruit 20 skilled engineers for his company up here in Scotland.He was paying over £35 grand +.He said too many youngsters with mickey-mouse degrees in media etc: hoping to become famous on reality tv. Not enough apprenticeships,or engineer graduates coming through.

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Listening to a guy this morning on the radio.He had to go to America to recruit 20 skilled engineers for his company up here in Scotland.He was paying over £35 grand +.He said too many youngsters with mickey-mouse degrees in media etc: hoping to become famous on reality tv. Not enough apprenticeships,or engineer graduates coming through.


Depends where in Scotland really doesn't it. If he's recruiting to work on offshore energy on the North coast then 35k isn't going to be enough to tempt a qualified engineer who's already getting the same money in somewhere a little more... central.

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one radical idea, i personally would give up around £10 of my disabillity money, on the previso ATOS is abolished. Many people, would also agree to this. It's a shame that none of the disabled people were ever taken any notice of, hope you remembered to point at the disableds working at ASDA, I'm sure they'd appreciate that.

My radical idea would save more money than what is paid to ATOS.

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Paraplegics, quadraplegics, paranoid schizophrenics, cancer sufferers would find it hard. If the disabled want to do jobs help them, but not force them into something they can not do, or should not need to do


The group you're missing out there, is the group who can work but do not want to work. There probably are not very many of them, and by all means we accept that being disabled means there are many things you can't do; but it is wrong to automatically assume that everyone who is disabled, is totally incapable of doing any work. That's what the system is designed to address. It has many flaws, and it is very questionable whether the ATOS assessors are doing the job as well as they should, but it's wrong to claim that they are "saying everyone is fit for work," and it's wrong to say that they should judge everyone unfit.

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If they havnt got any money to pay peoples benefits then why dont they just buy another printing press and print some more money out of fresh air.


Thats what the've been doing for years, Whats the big problem.


I've just bought my self a wheel barrow for when a loaf of bread costs £1,000,000.


Just keep printing cash, you reptilian idiots.



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Its getting to be a waste of time posting on here. I am fighting lung cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, an employer who would love to be rid of all disabled people [even though we do almost as much as the rest], and up till a couple of years ago the DWP, ATOS et al. When I tell it 'like it is' my posts get removed. I am one of the few people who contributed to this thread who has all the qualifications.....

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It might be true that disability may stop some people doing some jobs but there's very few disabilities that stop you doing any job.


In that respect I would say that just about every person on sickness benefits is fit to work, it's just that the work needs to be something they are capable of doing.


With luck, disablement will affect you. Nothing trivial I hope. In the meantime a great future awaits you in the Conservative party..............but only until the next election.....

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