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Info for cyclists, record your bit

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Oh brave folk of 2 wheels.

If you want make record of problems with roads, road junctions, stretches of bad surface, markings and any other generally dangerous places etc.

Go to the link, http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/cyclesafety/contact/ zoom in in in in until you can see the streets with numbers and names, by this time a little blue flag should appear for you to drag into place. Make sure the cross below the flag is on target, then fill in the details on boxes to the right. I wouldn't go on about pot holes as they do get fixed, its the crappy surfaces and all the above that are becoming the problems. You can mention things by sticking a flag on the Town Hall. You can put many flags all over by clicking repeat.


A cyclist should not be more pre occupied with the surface than he/she should be managing his/her way safely through traffic!!

A cyclist should not be bullied into the edge everywhere they go.

The onus of cycle safety should be jointly done between cyclist and other road users and onto the things that can kill or seriously injure them, bad surfaces, dangerous road planning, cars and other road traffic.

It seems to me that cycle heads are not involved with council road activities or if they are, they aren't singing from my music sheet.

A red stripe does mean that that was the right thing for that situation, in fact it may be the worst thing.


Good luck

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Oh brave folk of 2 wheels.

A cyclist should not be more pre occupied with the surface than he/she should be managing his/her way safely through traffic!!


I agree that no one on the road should be pre-occupied with the surface. However could you give an example of a road surface that is more dangerous to cyclists?



A cyclist should not be bullied into the edge everywhere they go.


Totally agree.



The onus of cycle safety should be placed onto the things that can kill or seriously injure them, bad surfaces, dangerous road planning, cars and other road traffic.


The onus of cycle safety should be placed onto the cyclist, and other road users. I dont understand how road planning can be dangerous? Surely a cyclist should have the same responsibility as anyone else on the road to use it safely?



It seems to me that cycle heads are not involved with council road activities or if they are, they aren't singing from my music sheet.


I agree. Road planning is usually done with cars/lorry's etc in mind, rather than cyclists. Perhaps we should see an increase in cycle paths that keep these vulnerable road users out of the way of other vehilces?

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I agree that no one on the road should be pre-occupied with the surface. However could you give an example of a road surface that is more dangerous to cyclists?


While pot holes are a pain for drivers and can do damage to their cars, they can potentially be lethal to cyclists if it is not noticed (for example if the depth of the hole is hidden by water filling the hole) and the cyclist hits it. The impact of a cyclist hitting a pot hole can easily throw the rider from the bike and under any car following.

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Great work, but more designated cycle paths are needed to get the cyclist away from traffic. There are many footpaths and pavements that are now under-used by pedestrians; more division of these would be a cheaper, cost-effective way of addressing the problem.

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