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Brewers watering the workers beer to make more profits.

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Yeah...it was pretty clear to me too, it was obvious he was talking about the cheap bootleg stuff made from antifreeze..or whatever they throw in it...


Duty free includes both vodka that is made without regulation, and that is made with regulation and sold without the duty being paid.


I had worked that out, but the moment you sart buying off market you run the risk of buying the counterfiet stuff made from paintbrush cleaner. Buying a bottle of vodka down the local petrol station isn't too difficult. Having your sight restored after you've drunk it might be.

As you can no longer nip over to France and bring back duty free booze you have to ask yourself where the stuff comes from.

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I had worked that out, but the moment you sart buying off market you run the risk of buying the counterfiet stuff made from paintbrush cleaner. Buying a bottle of vodka down the local petrol station isn't too difficult. Having your sight restored after you've drunk it might be.

As you can no longer nip over to France and bring back duty free booze you have to ask yourself where the stuff comes from.


A lot of local shops have been unwittingly selling duty free booze, via black market, legit market (avoiding tax illegally) and even through not actually knowing about duty!


The girl who were blinded in Sheffield bought her vodka from the shop!


I've bought some out of a car boot before and I can still see!


As a child there used to be a house me and the mates would visit to buy homebrew barley wine...


I also started brewing my own as a child!

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A lot of local shops have been unwittingly selling duty free booze, via black market, legit market (avoiding tax illegally) and even through not actually knowing about duty!


The girl who were blinded in Sheffield bought her vodka from the shop!


I've bought some out of a car boot before and I can still see!


As a child there used to be a house me and the mates would visit to buy homebrew barley wine...


I also started brewing my own as a child!


Risking blindness to save a quid. There's non so blind as cannot see.

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Risking blindness to save a quid. There's non so blind as cannot see.


Over 80% of the £8, 70cl 37.5% you can get from supermarket is PURE tax in the form of DUTY and VAT upon the DUTY.


Less than £1.50 is the cost of the vodka itself.


There is a hell of a lot of money in it.


Buying it from a shop doesn't mean it is the real thing. Buying it elsewhere doesn't mean it is not the real thing. Vodka is vodka. A bottle of something sold as 'vodka' may or may not be vodka.

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Over 80% of the £8, 70cl 37.5% you can get from supermarket is PURE tax in the form of DUTY and VAT upon the DUTY.


Less than £1.50 is the cost of the vodka itself.


There is a hell of a lot of money in it.


Buying it from a shop doesn't mean it is the real thing. Buying it elsewhere doesn't mean it is not the real thing. Vodka is vodka. A bottle of something sold as 'vodka' may or may not be vodka.


This of course is true. But buying it from Tescos is a pretty good guarantee that it will be vodka where as buying it at Ralph's Junkarama or a car boot sale offers a real likelyhood that it ain't. Hey they're your eyes. If you are happy risking them to save a quid that's OK by me. Just don't invite me round to any of your parties.






The ‘chemist’ at the middle of a conspiracy to manufacture fake vodka from a remote farm in Leicestershire, has been jailed today for two years.


Wojciech Jan Herbst, is the sixth and final member of the gang to be jailed for his part in the scam. Five other men were sentenced last year (25 November 2011) for their role in the plot, following the successful investigation by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).


Herbst, from Poland, made the denatured alcohol (methylated spirits) clear before it was diluted and bottled and passed off as genuine product. Forensic analysis showed it was unfit for human consumption.


Simon De Kayne, Assistant Director of Criminal Investigation for HMRC, said:


“This was a substantial production, bottling and distribution plant on an industrial scale. His gang would have known they were putting this highly toxic product into a bottle for human consumption.”


“However, they were only interested in lining their pockets, with no regard for the health of consumers or the safety of those working at the unit or for the local environment. The revenue loss to public finances was £1.5 million.”


The investigation by HMRC uncovered the unregulated and fire hazardous industrial unit at Moscow Farm, near Great Dalby, during raids in September 2009. They seized nine thousand bottles of fake vodka, branded as Glen’s, 25,000 litres of pure denatured alcohol (enough to make around 100,000 bottles of vodka), manufacturing equipment, bottles and counterfeit packaging – labels and cardboard boxes.


Evidence showed around 165,000 bottles of the fake vodka had been distributed across the UK for sale.


Denatured alcohol such as methylated spirit is coloured purple to distinguish it from drinkable alcohol and is not fit for human consumption. It is used as a solvent and contains hundreds of additives.

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There is no duty on contraband vodka, and it was pretty clear that is what chem1st was refereing to. Well it is to anyone except an idiot like you.


It was you who stated that it made you go blind, duty free


To state such a thing is stupid!

It is not even vodka, it is a cocktail of other substances.

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It was you who stated that it made you go blind, duty free


To state such a thing is stupid!

It is not even vodka, it is a cocktail of other substances.


Of course its not vodka, but it is being sold as vodka and makes you go blind.


Everyone else seems capable of understanding that, but you clearly lack the intelligence and seem to have adopted stupidity as a trade mark.

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Of course its not vodka, but it is being sold as vodka and makes you go blind.


Everyone else seems capable of understanding that, but you clearly lack the intelligence and seem to have adopted stupidity as a trade mark.




You want to state crap, then expect to be pulled on it



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The only crap is the crap that keeps your ears apart.


Ok, I will make this soooo easy for you..


If I went on holiday and bought a bottle of duty free vodka, your saying it would make me blind.


This is what you are inferring by your statement "it makes you go blind"




My post labeling you an idiot for saying such a thing.

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