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Someone spitting on you..

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Well done for standing your ground, staying strong and making a difference! more people should be like you and have the confidence to make a stand for whats right.


Hopefully, you have made a change to these kids lives and stopped them from continuing down a route that leads them to think it is acceptable to behave like that.

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Thanks H Hounds. x


I'm still having to get the later bus to work in the morning and leave later. Worried the kids will remember what I look like and "kick off".

I will I could thank the kids who tried to stop them in person. It's very much appreciated.

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I can fully understand how dirty you felt and my heart truly goes out to you.


If you've still got your ticket could you not still report it to both the bus company and the police? Don't they have CCTV on most buses these days?


For some reason being a wheelchair user means I've been the target for people spitting on me a few times.


Obviously it really upset me and I felt as if I'd been defiled but then a friend said what I should do is to get a good look at the spitter or even take a picture of him/her so that I can give a description to the police when I report it to them and that they will take swabs.


Fortunately for me it hasn't happened again for a while but perhaps it's something worth remembering.


Spitting on someone is classed as assault and so you really should report it to the police so even if they can't find the culprits this time at least they are aware of it.


My own opinion is anyone caught spitting either on the street or on other people should have their mouths sewn shut with a rusty needle but hey that just me!



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So sorry to hear you have suffered similar incidents, CK. The OP did report it and it was in the star i think. the school got involved and the children were identified i think. this is all detailed throughout the thread.


i hope this gives anyone who is assaulted like this the confidence to do something about it like the OP did :)

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