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Someone spitting on you..

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I think it is the most disgusting and insulting thing for one human being to do to another. But even spitting on the floor makes me feel sick, I was in the supermarket just before Christmas and a young man (term used loosely) in the fruit and veg section spat on the floor. A lady reported it to the security guard and he just shrugged his shoulders at her, she then went over he customer services to ask them to get the duty manager. I don't know the outcome because I left - without doing any shopping I may add.

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phone the police and report the driver, no one deserves that, disgusting.




The driver hasn't done anything against the law, but definately needs to grow a pair!


however definately report this to the police non emergency number as this may have already been reported and you can add subtance to any other reports.


they may even be already known to the police

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Report this, report him, see the headmaster, see the police, blah blah. Sod that. If some little scroat gobs on you, walk over to him/her/it and in a very casual way, smash their ugly filthy dirty face in. There is NOTHING worse than being gobbed on by some clever asred little sh.it who thinks they are untouchable because the are +minors+. They want their effing tongues ripping out.

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Report this, report him, see the headmaster, see the police, blah blah. Sod that. If some little scroat gobs on you, walk over to him/her/it and in a very casual way, smash their ugly filthy dirty face in. There is NOTHING worse than being gobbed on by some clever asred little sh.it who thinks they are untouchable because the are +minors+. They want their effing tongues ripping out.


Now that is the funniest reply so far, and its not far off what would've happend if the little scubbers had gozzed on me :hihi:

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