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Animal housing crisis!

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Long before the housing crisis of humans came the housing crisis of animals, this crisis continues to get worse, much like the human housing crisis.


In particular that of the pigeons whom are forced to squat in prominent buildings which once stood proud and were hubs of activity!


It started with a lack of housing, in particular the decline of dovecotes.


Dovecotes have been around for 1000s of years, they were even used in the Roman empire.


Dovecotes, (or pigeon lofts), have a history that goes back to Roman times at least, though the oldest known example in Britain dates to about AD1000 and the oldest in Nottinghamshire to about the 14th century. Originally, only the rich and powerful were allowed, (or could afford), to build them: lords of the manor, clergy, monasteries and substantial farmers. Later these restrictions were relaxed.




The decline began in the 18th century and has accelerated to this day!


For centuries doves and pigeons were a valuable source of meat, manure and feathers for mattresses. In the Middle Ages only manorial lords could keep these birds, so the few remaining medieval dovecotes are connected with manor houses, castles, parsonages or former monastic sites. The laws relaxed after about 1600, so many later farms had dovecotes, until their use declined after the 18th century.




Recently councils across the country have been attacking the housing standards of pigeons by demolishing their housing. Much like that of the working class - pathfinder demolition of human housing (in particular in Northern areas in order to force price of housing up).


A PROFESSIONAL pigeon racing agent who refused to demolish two bird lofts built without permission has been ordered to pay £6,759.




The day before my new Petron Loft was due to arrive I got a registered letter from the Council to tell me to remove all Pigeons from the site and demolish any lofts within a certain period




But the pigeons are fighting back, much like their human counterparts they have formed their own 'occupy' movement. They have seized and squatted buildings! For they need housing, as it is housing they are denied.


Only a couple of days a splinter group of pigeons took over the £5.5million Emmanuel church in Manchester!


Meanwhile, a few yards up Langworthy Road, the new `landmark' Emmanuel Church is on hold yet again as it turns into the most expensive pigeon loft in Britain. What the hell is going on?




The councils however continue to oppress pigeons and those that are housed, are blighted by substandard housing (much like their human counterparts in poor quality, mold ridden housing), leading to an increase in disease and illness.


Andrew Liddle claims substandard roofing on the Darlington Borough Council built lofts at Arnold Road, off Haughton Road, are threatening the safety of thousands of pounds worth of pigeons.


The lofts were built about three years ago as part of the transferral of Hundens Lane allotments to the new site on Arnold Road.


Mr Liddle pays rent to the council for his loft, and claims poor workmanship on the lofts is causing illness to his birds.





So as you can see, we have a housing crisis of animals, in particular one which affects pigeons (but also cats, dogs etc.) as they evicted with their human counterparts and struggle to find suitable housing - in particular buy to let landlords discriminate against animals and you see signs such as 'no pets' (and their human counterparts - 'no dss'), much like you used to see signs saying 'no blacks', 'no Irish'. Animals often end up in execution camps known as 'rescue centres' (where they are kept locked up in cages before being given fatal injections).


Gone are the days when grand dovecotes were built, where every pigeon had the right to a home! And now all you see is downtrodden pigeons walking the streets, feeding on scraps, squatting derelict buildings and so on.


What can we do to solve this pigeon housing crisis? Surely we should not demolish pigeon lofts, new pigeon lofts need to be built! Affordable pigeon lofts!


Is it not a case of land monopoly, that of the crown, and as their land monopoly extending they had a monopoly upon communication in the form of royal mail, thus putting the pigeons out of work and ultimately resulting in the loss of their housing!


Perhaps we should follow in the steps of our European brethren in Austria and build purpose built housing for birds. Like they do in the town of Rust for the storks!




Even the French do this (again for storks) in the town of Munster!




What do you think about the pigeon housing crisis, and how can we solve it?

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For the sake of everyone's sanity chem1st, give it a rest will you !!


Pigeonist! Have you got pigeon envy?


Why don't pigeons deserve decent housing?


Surely a city the size of Sheffield could have a few dovecotes like this one;





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If you push all the doves out of the dovecotes to make way for the pigeons, there will be a housing crisis for the doves.


Hells Bells - where will it all end?


It's OK. Bill Oddie has a plan for this crisis. I would give you a link, but my bing busted again. Bah!

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If you push all the doves out of the dovecotes to make way for the pigeons, there will be a housing crisis for the doves.


Hells Bells - where will it all end? Please show your support for doves here




Indeed they do, and hence the need to house both pigeons and doves!


Our world would be a sad place without them!




Six o'clock on a Sunday morn

I hear the call of a forlorn

Dove. Its mourning sound so sadly

pled evokes a melancholy.

It spurred my thinking back in time

When I was of another mind:

A time when we had fell in love

And witnessed by a turtledove.

So many springs have come and gone

And still I hear its cry at dawn

A sound that conjures up in me

A sad but loving reverie:

A daydream of that morning bird

Whose sad refrains we both had heard.


Albert Ahearn


Surely we should house a traditional symbol love, the pigeon like, turtle dove!

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