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HongKong's school coaches teach how to kick child's head

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w ww.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=cfxZL-Dl8Wc&feature=endscreen


One HK's international school student kick other children's head even the ball is far from that child.

:rant: BUT after that 'game', that international school (ESF) sent out few lawyer letters to ask them to delete the facebook's film(s). Hard to believe that happened to HK's rich international school.


if anyone watched that film and / or think i'm wrong please tell me.



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In the end they are children and have to be protected. The video should not be online and the matter should be dealt with properly, they are 11 year olds not criminals. The video is very one sided, I bet there is that many bad tackles in a 90 match if you condensed them into a 3 min clip.


The adults are to blame for it and I think it is so sad to see the parents and coaches arguing in front of the children. If I was a parent/ coach and I thought the other team were dangerous you would take your child off the pitch and walk away. The referee also has his part to play in this. I play competitive sport and have always done, there is no need to be nasty with it.


It shows how the ADULTS involved need to teach sportsmanship as well as competition to children starting with themselves being good role models.

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