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Self-published fiction

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Has anyone on here ever self-published their work?


I have a collection of chic-lit short stories that I'm planning on self-publishing in e-book format initially but in paperback (with ISBN) later.


Has anyone done similar? I'm particularly worried about getting a good cover.

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Just as an alternative idea for self publishing, I've decided to post my novella up as a blog. It's free and it just seemed better than putting it at the back of the drawer never to see daylight. Especially as I've been working on it for a couple of years. Now at least friends and family can read it. I'm putting up a chapter every month or so.


I suppose it would be nice if loads of people read it (and clicked on the adverts!) but really I'm just hoping I don't get any nasty comments! I'll let you know how it goes.


Let us know how your book sells, sharper fin - I'm sure we're all interested to see how well self publishing works.


Lady A

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