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DWP & Home Office workers in Sheffield, prepare to take you pay cuts

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Nobody has suggested you are a scrounger. But, you have got to realise that no matter how much tax you pay and how good a job you do you are still a net drain on the country. Three people somewhere in the battered private sector has had to work to pay enough tax to pay your salary. At the moment those persons only pay enough tax to pay 75% of your salary. The other 25% has to be borrowed on the international markets. At some point it will have to be paid back. Do you pay enough tax to pay a third of someone's salary and chip in for all the benefits claimants and keep the OAPs and pay the pension of your predecessor? I have to.


I used to work for the Post Office and BT when they were publicly owned. Since then I have worked on public sector contracts for councils and the MoD. I've seen how much waste and bureaucracy there is. Believe it or not I have friends (yes, it's true) and many of them work for the public sector. They tell me what goes on. Even they can't believe it sometimes.


Yes, the education dept may have a had a 42% cut recently but it had at least a 300% increase under Labour that you conveniently forget. If you're talking about Sheffield Education a 100% cut would not be enough. They are the perfect example of waste and a department not fit for purpose. As I have said the public sector is overmanned, overpaid and underperforming. It has plenty of fat to trim. I suspect Osborne isn't going to make it fit and lean. He'll just hack a few limbs off and claim he's cut down on waste.


Lets get rid of the public sector then and make millions of people unemployed and claiming benefits. Or would they all get the millions of jobs NOT being created in the private sector. Then with the mass unemployment nobody will be spending money in the private sector resulting in lots of private businesses going to the wall. Lots more people in the private sector will lose their jobs. Afterall my hard earned money working in the public sector pays your wages in the private sector by me and my colleagues spending our money in the private sector.

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The Tories proposal for roads supports what I'm saying. Instead of coming out and saying we haven't got any money they conjure up this PR stunt to give the illusion that money will be spent on roads.


And very popular it is too, if you hadn't noticed.

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Lots of people in the public sector make a useful contribution to society, If not the economy. The problem is that under Labour they created far too many "contributing" to society and not enough contributing to the economy. Osborne's proposal is to help balance things out a bit.


How do you know?

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I never said they didn't. And large portions of the public sector are absolutely vital to the continued functioning of the country. They don't make a profit though, they are net consumers of wealth.


I guess the government is slowly selling it all off to private companies to run, so in twenty years there will be no public sector to worry about ;)


We can pay the private companies directly for services we require and then there will be no need for any public sector workers. All the services that the needy currently access will no longer exist as they will not be able to afford them, so no companies will want to touch them. Schools will all be private and will be have competitive to attract students and poor students can go to cheap under performing schools as that is all they can afford, not much different to what hapens now really apart from shareholders will make some money out of it.

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Lets get rid of the public sector then and make millions of people unemployed and claiming benefits. Or would they all get the millions of jobs NOT being created in the private sector. Then with the mass unemployment nobody will be spending money in the private sector resulting in lots of private businesses going to the wall. Lots more people in the private sector will lose their jobs. Afterall my hard earned money working in the public sector pays your wages in the private sector by me and my colleagues spending our money in the private sector.


Patience young Paduan. The economy is a shambles after years of Labour neglect. It will take time to turn around especially with the burden of massive debt restricting investment in infrastructure. The jobs will come.


If we get rid of the entire public sector and put everyone on benefits we'll still be better off as benefits are less than wages. It's not the worst idea but maybe an overreaction.


You argument for tax payers employing people to spend money in the economy is utterly absurd. Most of the money would go into the pockets of Chinese workers not British. Most British companies have gone to the wall because they can't borrow money.


You don't pay my wages at all unless you have another day job as an international project management company. I am guessing most of your money goes on beer and gadgets.

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And very popular it is too, if you hadn't noticed.


The novelty will wear off. After all the idea smacks of privilege with the wealthy being able to get places quicker than the poor because they can afford to pay. It's only a matter of time before the dimwitted lefty loons start bleating on about "travel deprivation".

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I guess the government is slowly selling it all off to private companies to run, so in twenty years there will be no public sector to worry about ;)


We can pay the private companies directly for services we require and then there will be no need for any public sector workers. All the services that the needy currently access will no longer exist as they will not be able to afford them, so no companies will want to touch them. Schools will all be private and will be have competitive to attract students and poor students can go to cheap under performing schools as that is all they can afford, not much different to what hapens now really apart from shareholders will make some money out of it.


I think you'll find after 13 years of Labour the poor go to expensive under performing schools. They are called Academies.

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I guess the government is slowly selling it all off to private companies to run, so in twenty years there will be no public sector to worry about ;)

You're not wrong, the problem is what they should be doing is reducing the bureaucracy, not selling off the actual services that we need.

But they can make a quick £ can't they!


We can pay the private companies directly for services we require and then there will be no need for any public sector workers.

Minimal state should be the aim, it's impossible to have no state though.

Defence for example can't be provided by private companies. And street lighting needs public money, who's go to pay directly for a street light?

All the services that the needy currently access will no longer exist as they will not be able to afford them, so no companies will want to touch them. Schools will all be private and will be have competitive to attract students and poor students can go to cheap under performing schools as that is all they can afford, not much different to what hapens now really apart from shareholders will make some money out of it.

I've never advocated the wholesale shift of services to the public sector, it's the bureaucracy that needs taming, not the front line provision of services.

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Patience young Paduan. The economy is a shambles after years of Labour neglect. It will take time to turn around especially with the burden of massive debt restricting investment in infrastructure. The jobs will come.


If we get rid of the entire public sector and put everyone on benefits we'll still be better off as benefits are less than wages. It's not the worst idea but maybe an overreaction.


You argument for tax payers employing people to spend money in the economy is utterly absurd. Most of the money would go into the pockets of Chinese workers not British. Most British companies have gone to the wall because they can't borrow money.


You don't pay my wages at all unless you have another day job as an international project management company. I am guessing most of your money goes on beer and gadgets.


No as i'm female and don't drink beer. I drink wine but not very often. I don't have any gadgets. I have free to air tv. I don't own an IPAD, Iphone or MP3 player. If you want I can post a list of all my outgoings. After all my bills are paid I barely have £80 at the end of the month. I'm living a life of luxury aren't I.

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