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DWP & Home Office workers in Sheffield, prepare to take you pay cuts

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But they do :)


Indeed they do, the self employed especially. They will carry on and on, with more and more stress.


Then snap. Not everyone of course some will ride through it because they cost is too high not to. To suggest otherwise doesn't make sense. Of course public sector workers should take it if needed, but sick leave is on a par with the private sector doesn't hold water for me.

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How would you feel if after losing your job, debts mounting, struggling to pay for food, potentially going to lose your home etc... etc....there was another person on full pay, off sick with stress having a jolly at their employers expense? would you be happy that this person was still getting their wages whilst taking the micky out of his/her employers, if you were desperate for a job and a wage?


Is it morally right that someone in work, who is clearly skiving is denying the chance of a wage to another person?


If they are off work with a mental illness I doubt v much they will be having a jolly.

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My anecdotal evidence informs my opinion (as clearly acknowleged to I1L2T3 and then quoted by you).


My opinion is in respect of the private sector at large (per my post 152 and subsequent posts).


What's so hard to understand about that? :confused:


why the smillies (except there not).........I said I had misunderstood your post.

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I'll ask again, if you were out of work, you were going into serious debt, struggling to buy food, potentially going to lose your home - you would be happy that another person was off work with STRESS???? while you are on the verge of losing everything?


I'm IN work, working into debt, struggling to buy food and will probably lose my home if Clown Cameron carries on the way he is doing and I'm stressed up to my eyeballs ... your point is?

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You may feel a little stressed when you are stuck in a traffic jam, but that doesn't mean you need to have a few months off work on full pay.


you really are a bit of a pudding arent you?:)

please tell me you are on a wind up and not a real person, no one is that stupid surely?

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