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DWP & Home Office workers in Sheffield, prepare to take you pay cuts

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Actually these are new rules, brought in under PFI.

Previously under the old ways, a light woulld be changed and thing s like that on the nod. No problem.

It is only since PFI that we have to be correct to every penny.

Dont blame the Nurses, Engineer,Domestics etc.


PFI is the scourge of the last 25 years.


And we still have idiot politicians who believe in it. :confused:

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The Tories are in power and by their actions are reminding us what are they very good at:


Cuts in waste and bureaucracy

Unemployment for quangocrats, bureaprats and the PC Brigade

Low Wages for low performers

Total lack of morals err Blair, Brown, Madelson, Blunkett, Betts, Smith, Joyce, Moran, Chaytor, Illsley, Morley etc etc etc

What a thoroughly nasty person you seem to be Jim. At a guess you're a Tory, because no one with any compassion would post what you have.


Cuts in vital public services - including the NHS. You nasty fool.

Unemployment - for honest working people. You nasty fool.

Low wages - for low performers. That'll be the Tories friends the bankers then will it? You nasty fool.

Total lack of morals - the entire smug "Blow you Jack, I'm all right" Tory party. Scum of the earth.


Your sort, as the saying goes, makes me sick.

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What a thoroughly nasty person you seem to be Jim. At a guess you're a Tory, because no one with any compassion would post what you have.


Cuts in vital public services - including the NHS. You nasty fool.

Unemployment - for honest working people. You nasty fool.

Low wages - for low performers. That'll be the Tories friends the bankers then will it? You nasty fool.

Total lack of morals - the entire smug "Blow you Jack, I'm all right" Tory party. Scum of the earth.


Your sort, as the saying goes, makes me sick.


If Jim had said any of the stuff you'd posted, I'd agree with you.


But he hasn't.


What he has highlighted are areas of waste which have been dealt with by the Tories.


What's up, were you one of those on the gravy train who got sacked?


The only thing nasty is the way you've twisted his words.

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If Jim had said any of the stuff you'd posted, I'd agree with you.


But he hasn't.


What he has highlighted are areas of waste which have been dealt with by the Tories.


What's up, were you one of those on the gravy train who got sacked?


The only thing nasty is the way you've twisted his words.


Stop talking ********.

Give over, we are fed up with the likes of you.

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What you and your lefty friends fail to grasp is that the country does not need lots of people working in the public sector draining the country of resources. There are already far too many of you. At least 1,000,000 too many.


What we need is good people with skills working in the private sector creating real wealth. It may not look like it from where you are but the public sector is overpaid and underperforming. The strategy behind freezing public sector pay and conditions is to force people out. Good people with skills will always find better paid jobs elsewhere. The deadheads and timeservers in the public sector will eventually be left on salaries commensurate with their skills and abilities. The good times are over.


A very negative opinion of the public sector. Many of the people working in the field are very hard working and committed to giving good service to the general public. Some of the jobs in the public sector most wouldn't do.


However, you do have a point. in local government far too many middle managers whos combined salaries don't add to less then the efficiencies/increased performance they alegedly achieve from their minions. In local government, your middle manager is on 24-30k and upper managers can be on around 50k. As director level the salaries can be stupid. cheif exacutives can be on 135k of tax payers money.


As always, when the redundancies start rolling again, it will be the doozers that get made redundant.


(apologies to the spelling police. I can't be azzed to check the spelling)

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Its time we all stopped the lefty and tory banter.


I feel a lot of people have various political differences on various issues. Its ridiculous to call people left or right or centre.


A lot of us are neither anymore.

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Long drawn out sigh. Just another Tory with no morals or thought for the well-being of the city he lives in. As long as he's OK, stuff the rest of us. No, I'm not and never have been on the gravy train, nor am I unemployed - I work 40+ hours a week for my small private sector pay - small because my private sector employer is a tight wad. But I do know that public servants, (the feckless ones that the Tories love to vilify, you know, nurses, firemen, police, etc. ), earn their crust and don't need the Tories to cut their already low wages, further depressing the local and national economy. Time for a general election so we can kick the scum out of power before they do even more damage? When will the Lib-Dumbs develop a backbone and vote against their Tory bedfellows - its the only chance they've got of surviving the drubbing the next general election is going to dish out to the Tories. Scum that they are.

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Its time we all stopped the lefty and tory banter.


I feel a lot of people have various political differences on various issues. Its ridiculous to call people left or right or centre.


A lot of us are neither anymore.


Well I am.

I will be a socialist till the day I die

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