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New Dog Cross Breeds ( funny )


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I don't know which of the breeds were the mother or father but it still takes some doing without the aid of a step ladder.............:hihi:


I was shocked when I found a 'breeder' for .... not sure if it is Labdachs, or Dachdor. either way, a stepladder would have been needed there too - http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=dachshund+labrador&hl=en&sa=X&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=SARnT9vuOubH0QXmgvCeCA&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=628

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We saw a GSDxlab the other day and my OH said to me 'is that a Shepador or a Labherd?' to which my answer was, 'no, it's a GSDxlab'.


It's one thing having the names to have a laugh at, but although as a first generation cross it's helpful to know what has gone into their make up, they are cross breeds and that's what they should be called. Nothing wrong with a cross breed that will be made better by giving them a silly name.


Still, I suppose not a lot is sillier than being a Chesapeake Bay Duck-Tolling Retriever, or a Dandy Dinmont :)

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We saw a GSDxlab the other day and my OH said to me 'is that a Shepador or a Labherd?' to which my answer was, 'no, it's a GSDxlab'.


It's one thing having the names to have a laugh at, but although as a first generation cross it's helpful to know what has gone into their make up, they are cross breeds and that's what they should be called. Nothing wrong with a cross breed that will be made better by giving them a silly name.


Still, I suppose not a lot is sillier than being a Chesapeake Bay Duck-Tolling Retriever, or a Dandy Dinmont :)


Other than the fact that for some reason people will pay silly money for them :huh::loopy: sometimes more than a full pedigree :loopy::huh:

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That's what I couldn't understand, years ago people gave away mongrels or cross breeds. I remember an aunts Yorkshire Terrier getting out of the house in season and was mated with by the next doors dog who was some sort of cross terrier and she had 3 lovely little puppies and my uncle was going to drown them, but my mum let us have one and found homes for the other two and ours was a lovely little dog, followed us kids everywhere. Now I suppose she would give them a fancy name and make a fortune with them...:hihi:

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Other than the fact that for some reason people will pay silly money for them :huh::loopy: sometimes more than a full pedigree :loopy::huh:


I've seen 'jugs' - JRT (£200ish) x PUG (£700ish) - £1000 :hihi:

Labradoodles I've often seen sold for £700


If people want to pay it let them, if they're daft enough. Theres nothing that makes a pedigree worth more than a mongrel really is there, unless you want to show or breed. I just worry that some people actually think these fancy crosses are a real breed...

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I've seen 'jugs' - JRT (£200ish) x PUG (£700ish) - £1000 :hihi:

Labradoodles I've often seen sold for £700


If people want to pay it let them, if they're daft enough. Theres nothing that makes a pedigree worth more than a mongrel really is there, unless you want to show or breed. I just worry that some people actually think these fancy crosses are a real breed...


i think its dam right stupid to be honest with you

someone we did know my sons x girlfriend has decided

to crossbreed her Akita x rottweiler with a Akita x white German Sheppard

don't get me wrong they are lovely dogs but why ???

best thing about it is she got her Akita x rottweiler from a rescue :huh:

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