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The SF SHU reunion thread


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I have just realised that this thread doesn't reject people like me who went to the place before it was changed to SHU.


I was at sheffield poly from around 1987 to around 1992 but I can't remember the exact dates. I studied electronic engineering, and when I got back from a year's placement the department had been merged with the maths department and instead of being part of the good old fashioned worthy sounding "electronic engineering department" we became the arty farty "school of engineering I.T."


I spent a lot of time with my friends in Broomgrove Hall of residence and we used to use the dining room at weekends for a rock band rehersal hall. In 1988 five of us bought a big house on ecclesall road, ( well someone's mum set up a mortage really and we all paid him rent! )


In my first year I joined the Role playing society so I could play the water pistol gangster game "killer?", but all the people in the society were geeks and I felt dirty and uncomfortable if I went to a meeting.


During lectures I used to clown about a bit at first and was always hanging around with the group of long hairds. I got the impression that some of the other lads on the course arranged reunion meetings in the last weeks and didn't include us, he he!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So nobody on this thread has found anybody they know yet then?


It looks like the only person there when I was is MuddyCoffee :confused:


(I quite agree about the re-focusing of the whole thing when it stopped being a Poly and changed into a money machine BTW :mad: )

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My hubby was at the school of engineering, city campus from 1998 - 2002. He had a year out due to illness.


His degree was a BEng (Hons) Electronics with Computer Engineering.


My house is now a haven for anything with a circuit board!!!



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Pond Street Site from 2000 to 2005 doing a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering.


My favourite lecturer was Terry Campbell. He knew how to make a lecture interesting, and what knowledge he had. I was dissapointed that he wasn't there for graduation.

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i studied (part time) law in 1999 - left and went back a couple of times....lol.....but ended up packing it in 2002 cos i had year old twins and no time to study.


not that the lecturing staff gave me any slack.......when my year old son was in hospital i was told i couldnt have an extension on my course work cos ''ill children are part of daily life - you need to consider this and allow for it''. quote from a lecturer.


so i left:mad:



prior to that i started a Ba Applied Social Studies in 93, but got a perfect job offer for a nursing job in australia.....so left after first year.




me? short attention span??

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