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Makes Me So Mad


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The amount people selling their dog cause they havnt got time or they are pregnant makes me mad why get one in the first place if you know you havnt the time and if you become pregnant or have children would you get rid of the child when you have had enough.

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Yeah i agree, we have 2 dogs a 7 yr old boxer and an 18 month old staffy x sharpie and we are looking for a puppy to add to them, we both work but have time for them, they are a part of our family. Id have a housefull if my ova half would let me. Id love to open a rescue centre but wouldn't have a clue where to start or how to go about it, ill just have to volunteer for other rescues for now

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I would have never given up any of my pets , might have rehomed the children though!!! seriously I wouldn't want my beloved pets with anyone else but me , wether i had chgildren or not. Also you are teaching your children that you have no commitment.

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there was only one time i agreed with someone rehoming their dog for this reason

& then they changed their minds & kept him

it was a lady who had got 2 children & a little jack Russel

she found out she was pregnant witch she was fine with

until she found out at 6 months pregnant she had got terminal cancer

& little jack ( that was his name ) funnily enough was only 2 she got him

when she started her family

but had recently started to feel tired along with other things that come along

with it & later on found out after test insisted by her hubby she found out

she had got cancer :(

little jack was avery giddy lad & would jump allover he was manic witch was

why they was going to rehome him witch i so understood

& while they was waiting to find a home for him he just sort of became her

bed pal he wouldn't leave her side only to toilet so they decided to keep him

my friend died 2 & a half years ago

& the strange thing was little jack died a year after of a mascell tumor that they

kept getting rid of & it just appeared somewhere else they eventually decided to have him put to sleep he was 3 1/2

rip Cindy & little jack :(

to many people treat dogs & cats etc like they are a problem as soon as it dose

something wrong instead of working through it its easy to get rid & get a new one but that new one will still have problems what ever you do

& having kids should be no exscuse you chose to have children not the dog cat etc :rant::suspect:

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Some people have genuine reasons though, like if god forbid something happened to my OH I'd probably have to rehome my dog as I'm out the house at least 10 hours every weekday, often 6 days a week. I wouldn't be able to afford a dog walker every day on my wage as well as all the bills, can't take her to work with me and don't have anyone here who could help.


Edit - regarding the 'pregnant' excuse I expect that mostly comes from people who probably put even less (no!) consideration into the decision to have children than the decision to get a pet!

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The only time I understand it is when they know the dog is not good with children, and wouldn't tolerate a toddler, then I feel its a valid excuse.


i agree & sometimes it can be sorted out & then sometimes it can't

things like this are different

after we lost Major our GSD years ago we decided to get another GSD puppy

but made the terrible mistake of getting him from a scrap yard both mum & & dad

was very keen guard dogs witch didn't bother us but what we didn't expect was for

it to come through in the puppy he was terribly keen & was quite growley with

the kids they never tormented him i never allowed anything like that he got very

possessive with his toys,food anything that was his we relay tried to sort this

problem out if i had known what i know with dogs now i know i would have done

things differently

but when he kept growling at our 2 year old for just walking past him we just

felt like we couldn't trust him so we looked for a new home for him & found him

the perfect home with a couple that was in the army & wanted a dog for army work

they was very clued up with Sheppard's & loved him from the moment they saw him

& went away very happy it made us feel good knowing he went to someone who

could handle him but still felt guilty for getting him in the 1st place we should have known

we made the mistake of thinking he would be like our Major & he wasn't :confused:

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