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Coalition MPs to be challenged by NHS Doctors at next election

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Why and how could they cause any damage to country? Presumably they won't have any party whip or affiliation so they'll vote on issues rather than because they've been told to.


That's what worries me. We know from history that a bunch of MPs not organised into a party will never be able to get anything done; that's why parties came into existence in the first place.

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That's what worries me. We know from history that a bunch of MPs not organised into a party will never be able to get anything done; that's why parties came into existence in the first place.


The MPs we have had for the last 20 years, havent given a hoot about us Joe Public.


Time for a change!

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That's what worries me. We know from history that a bunch of MPs not organised into a party will never be able to get anything done; that's why parties came into existence in the first place.


perhaps not doing anything, apart from rescuing the NHS, would be a good thing......

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Heres a few ideas id personally like to see :-


1. A referendum on Europe.


2. The NHS bill scrubbed and a new bill put together with a cross party consensus with the relevant staff involved.


3. No company which utilises tax havens to be given Government contracts.


4. MP's pensions & expenses to be comparable with both public and private sectors.


5. No more bank bailouts.

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Let's do nowt with the NHS and all watch as it dies a long lingering death. Or we can reform it, and hopefully get it back to full health.


As for the quacks who would stand in opposition to the necessary changes, grow a brain.




Nobody disputes the NHS has to evolve to meet the challenges it faces.


It's just that very few people agree that the way to do that is to privatise 49% of the capacity.


Have you considered that the wrong changes may be more damaging than no change at all?


Anyway back to the OP, I think I could support what the doctors and professors are proposing to do.

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the changes in the n.h,s are not to better the service but to syphon off vast profits for a load of fat cats.take a look at the energy companies thats what happens when you give them the chance.

heres betting that the people who are lobbying to get this bill through will be sat on the boards of these firms getting tens of thousands for their betrayal

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Excellent, it's refreshing to see people standing for what they believe in a constructive way that can be meaningful and effective rather than just having an ineffective moan to anyone who feels equally disenfranchised.


They will rightly lose their deposits if they stand with a single agenda, but well done them!


Will they? So far they've got my vote. I think it's an excellent idea. At long last we'll have people in government who actually give a damn about what is right and services and ordinary people, rather than taking from the poor to give to their rich friends.


No party to line to toe. No history of claiming for what they shouldn't.

People who are actually entering politics because of their values and not to feather their own nests. It will make a very welcome and refreshing change. Bring it on. :clap:

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It'll be interesting to see what their policies on foreign affairs, military spending, tax rates and all the boring governmental stuff, are going to be.


Unfortunately, an awful lot of people might very well vote for someone who has a single policy and not the faintest clue what to do on every other issue. Kidderminster was effectively without an MP for five years, after they elected a doctor whose sole policy was "don't close Kidderminster Hospital" - not a particularly useful stand to take when the subject under discussion is how should we respond to China's growing influence in the Pacific, or whether or not we should reduce the National Speed Limit to 50mph.


I think you are wrong about Dick T,who attended very regularly and was a responsive constituency MP and attended all his surgery appointments.He had a prime issue,and many other issues emanated from his NHS standpoint.

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