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Yorkshire police arrest teenager for Facebook comments.

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It's an act in law, has been for almost 700 years!

no but one person, or one group of people decides, what if they dont like what one group says? its a farce, like i said freedom of speech only exists if YOU like whats being said

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no but one person, or one group of people decides, what if they dont like what one group says? its a farce, like i said freedom of speech only exists if YOU like whats being said


Didn't one group bring this act into English law?


The notion of free speech is just that, a notion. This country has a lot of laws refining what is acceptable.

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but who decides?


as with this thread, some people think what was said is the worst thing ever, some dont, some think they should die for saying it, some dont

I don't know if anyone has stated he should die for saying it, but locked up seems fare, or you could go with my suggestion and let him go live over there where he seems to have more elegance to.


I am sure given the choice this country wouldn't be so bad and he opt to sit it out in jail.


If he does not like what is happening then condemn Government policy and lobby the local MP ect, don't call to have troops die that are just there doing their job that HIS country is asking them to do.

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I have, and I agree with him.


The right to free speech is far more important than the right not to be offended by someones opinion. Our troops have fought for that right in the past, they didn't fight for free speech as long as it didn't offend people. Because that isn't free any more!


So lets make mister Azhar a white man. It would be okay if mister white man stood on a street corner in England yelling "All Muslims should die and go to hell" How long would that last?

Three things would happen:


1. He'd be reported by a concerned member of the the Muslim community for inciting racial hatred


2. He'd be stopped and told to move on by a passing policeman


3. He'd be arrested by same policeman and charged.


Let's not beat around the bush. Azhar's remarks were plainly directed at the soldiers who he knows as well as you do that are just about all white in ethnicity. He was sly enough despite his demented semi illiterate tirade not to bring race into it but we're not all daffy enough I hope to believe that it was not racist in intent


It could well be a call to kill. The Taleban after all have laptops and access to the internet

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So lets make mister Azhar a white man. It would be okay if mister white man stood on a street corner in England yelling "All Muslims should die and go to hell" How long would that last?

Three things would happen:


1. He'd be reported by a concerned member of the the Muslim community for inciting racial hatred


2. He'd be stopped and told to move on by a passing policeman


3. He'd be arrested by same policeman and charged.


Let's not beat around the bush. Azhar's remarks were plainly directed at the soldiers who he knows as well as you do that are just about all white in ethnicity. He was sly enough despite his demented semi illiterate tirade not to bring race into it but we're not all daffy enough I hope to believe that it was not racist in intent


It could well be a call to kill. The Taleban after all have laptops and access to the internet

Very good point, in most posts that people mention Muslims people take exception to and calls people for being racist, when being Muslim is not exactly a race, but it is commonly accepted that speaking out against anything Islamic automatically puts you in the racist category (at least for some on here).

There is no difference, to this man I am sure he equates the UK armed forces to being 'the white/English army'.

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Free speech is nothing to do with an internet forum; an internet forum is a privately owned thing and its owner decides what its rules are.

Note the wink at the end it indicated sarcasm,yet another trait of internet forums a vastly reduced sense of humour

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IGNORANCE JUST IGNORANCE yes innocent people have died. That is not and never will be the soldiers fault they were just fighting for their country and are braver than we will ever know. Unfortunately in war innocent people do die that is war, what is this idiot getting at with his ignorant ill mannered rant exactly?? if an English person was to make racists comments against a muslim or a black person we would be sentenced to death. :rant: :rant: :confused: :confused: :mad::mad:

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If comments like that are an offence worthy of prison, what about the comments on this forum about nuking Iran and blowing up muslims? Blimey, all the Islamaphobes on here would be in chokey!


And what about muslims on here wanting to nuke Israel and take over the entire world?

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IGNORANCE JUST IGNORANCE yes innocent people have died. That is not and never will be the soldiers fault they were just fighting for their country and are braver than we will ever know. Unfortunately in war innocent people do die that is war, what is this idiot getting at with his ignorant ill mannered rant exactly?? if an English person was to make racists comments against a muslim or a black person we would be sentenced to death. :rant: :rant: :confused: :confused: :mad::mad:


No they wouldn't, you're being silly. Besides, these remarks, distasteful though they may be, aren't racist.

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if an English person was to make racists comments against a muslim or a black person we would be sentenced to death. :confused: :confused: :mad::mad:


The only bit of that I agree with is the confused and mad bit at the end. The killers of Stephen lawrence weren't even sentenced to death. There is no death penalty for verbal abuse. I hope you got a good night's sleep.

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