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Yorkshire police arrest teenager for Facebook comments.

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So lets make mister Azhar a white man. It would be okay if mister white man stood on a street corner in England yelling "All Muslims should die and go to hell"

That's really quite different isn't it.

You see, he never mentioned race, religion or colour. I know that's hard to grasp, but he didn't...

snipped as irrelevant ... Let's not beat around the bush. Azhar's remarks were plainly directed at the soldiers who he knows as well as you do that are just about all white in ethnicity.

Are you being racist?

He was sly enough despite his demented semi illiterate tirade not to bring race into it but we're not all daffy enough I hope to believe that it was not racist in intent


It could well be a call to kill. The Taleban after all have laptops and access to the internet

Hmmm, given that the troops are fighting the taliban who live in rural afghanistan I suspect that they don't need some bloke in the UK to tell them to kill the people they are fighting. I'd also be very surprised if they all carry laptops and communication equipment around with them, followed by a generator.

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Assuming you're talking WW2 we did lock up all axis foreigners, Brits who supported the nazis and shamefully a lot of axis nationality Jews for the duration of hostilties. We didn't give them "free speech". I don't think the lads in Afghanistan are fighting for the right for terrorism fans in the UK to be able to incite people to kill British service personel, certainly while hostilities are ongoing. It's not an unreasonable suggestion that in situations of war supporting our enemies is beyond the pale and that such free speech be restricted for the duration of the war.


The government certainly disagrees with you on that one. No-one has been locked up or would be for saying that they hope we loose in Afghanistan.

We're not technically at war are we either.


I don't think he was inciting anyone to kill, I didn't read anything that suggested that, although if there is a prosecution I suppose that is the argument they will try to make since that is actually illegal.

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Coming as it did on the back of the recent deaths of six soldiers,from our region by the way, this idiots statement on facebook was, I believe an, intentional posting to wind people up which of course it has done ,Racial,Treasonable ,I'll let the legal system sort that out,what I do find strange though is the amount of people on here who continually slate the EDL and BNP with names like facist scum,seemingly up to a point defending this mans right to these actions,he's no better or worse than any of the members of the mentioned groups and should be condemned by all.

Im not surprised at his reactions it seems par for the course for many young Asians who seem to have chips on their shoulders maybe their spiritual leaders should take them aside and teach them to put their brains in gear before opening their mouths on a public network,it seems to becoming a regular occurrence that someone gets arrested for spouting bilge of some sort and the offenders cant see how they have been sussed and start shouting about grasses and such.

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