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Yorkshire police arrest teenager for Facebook comments.

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Coming as it did on the back of the recent deaths of six soldiers,from our region by the way, this idiots statement on facebook was, I believe an, intentional posting to wind people up which of course it has done ,Racial,Treasonable ,I'll let the legal system sort that out,what I do find strange though is the amount of people on here who continually slate the EDL and BNP with names like facist scum,seemingly up to a point defending this mans right to these actions,he's no better or worse than any of the members of the mentioned groups and should be condemned by all.

Im not surprised at his reactions it seems par for the course for many young Asians who seem to have chips on their shoulders maybe their spiritual leaders should take them aside and teach them to put their brains in gear before opening their mouths on a public network,it seems to becoming a regular occurrence that someone gets arrested for spouting bilge of some sort and the offenders cant see how they have been sussed and start shouting about grasses and such.


There's a big difference between thinking his statement is reprehensible (as are the opinions of the EDL and BNP) and saying that they should be locked up for them. Most of the people who argue against the BNP and EDL would never argue that they should be silenced by law.

You can't change an opinion by declaring it to be illegal.

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The government certainly disagrees with you on that one. No-one has been locked up or would be for saying that they hope we loose in Afghanistan.

We're not technically at war are we either.


I don't think he was inciting anyone to kill, I didn't read anything that suggested that, although if there is a prosecution I suppose that is the argument they will try to make since that is actually illegal.


I'm not saying there is any specific legislation for interment now, there isn't. There is legisation around voicing support for terrorists and lots of other legislation around public order offences, which is what this particular individual has been charged under. There is a big difference between voicing concerns over the appropriateness or effectiveness of aspects of foreign policy and ranting about all troops should die and go to hell. What he said oversteps the mark hence he has been charged.

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He's been arrested hasn't he, has he now been charged? If so, what exactly has he been charged with?


If this is the case then several posters on here should expect a knock on the door, one of them was recently suggesting that Iran should be nuked. That's wishing for the deaths of millions of civilians...

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His remarks were obviously wrote to incite an argument, on 9/11 my daughter class was watching the attacks on 9/11 as part of the R.E curriculum and few muslims had said some things during class along the same lines, ie its a shame they didn't kill more and laughing saying look at the burn etc.. the comments did upset some kids in the class but they were said to incite an argument which was really quite pathetic to be honest.


what he said was disrespectful but it wasn't necessarily racist!

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He's been arrested hasn't he, has he now been charged? If so, what exactly has he been charged with?


If this is the case then several posters on here should expect a knock on the door, one of them was recently suggesting that Iran should be nuked. That's wishing for the deaths of millions of civilians...


He was charged and bailed over the weekend, he's in court tommorow. The charge was racially agrevated public order offenses, the report didn't state which exactly but i'd guess section 4a or section 5.

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There's a big difference between thinking his statement is reprehensible (as are the opinions of the EDL and BNP) and saying that they should be locked up for them. Most of the people who argue against the BNP and EDL would never argue that they should be silenced by law.

You can't change an opinion by declaring it to be illegal.

I didnt say he should be locked up as far as Im concerned at present he is just a young idiot who cant keep his gob shut,his actions may be more than that only time will tell,Personally I dont think he should be imprisoned at this time for the simple reason he will be held as some kind of martyr for others of his ilk a caution would suffice and then if he carries on with his spouting the goal posts get moved and he should be considered more than just a fool with a big gob.

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One question that may arise from this ,and Im sure I will be derided in a spectacular manner,should Facebook be held more accountable for things like this posted on their website ,I know they have millions of users but they also have a multi billion bank account to surely employ monitors,the site doesnt even have swearing filters,now you cant tell me with the size of their bank balance and access to up to date technology they cant at least attempt some kind of monitoring.

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The Guardian says he's been charged with treason in the headline and then says he's been charged with committing a “racially aggravated public order offence" in the article. Get it right!


For me it's a simple freedom of speech issue. He should be allowed to write what he wants to his friends on Facebook.

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For me it's a simple freedom of speech issue. He should be allowed to write what he wants to his friends on Facebook.


So you will also believe that being racist is a freedom of speech too... when does someone cross the line (if you even think there is one!)

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