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Why do people presume you're not clever if you're a carer?

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why on earth do people presume you don't have qualifications or are stupid if your a carer? I recently had someone say to me 'well if you worked harder when you were at school you would have got a proper job!' yet they don't even know me! I think it needs to be clarified not all carers don't have qualifications, i do!

yes granted some care companies will take on people who have gained no qualifications at school or any experience, but most don't! i have 9 A G.C.S.E's, 2 A-levels and am currently working on a level 3 Diploma, i work in a care home and our residents are treated like kings and queens just like they deserve to be, i wouldn't change my job for the world!


i'm sorry but it had to be said...not all carers are stupid and just do it for the money! all our staff go that extra mile for the residents so please don't tar us all with the same brush.

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people make all kinds of assumptions about others based on the jobs they do. Waiters and Waitresses, bar staff, checkout operators - these may be seen as menial jobs by some but often the people doing those jobs are very well educated. Carers do a very important job - it wouldn't be to everyone's liking of course. But it's a good job someone does it.


I wouldn't let those comments bother you. People will think what they want - and so can you.

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Thank you Derby Tup, people do presume its a menial job but its not, we have a lot of end of life residents, neglected home care residents, residents with Dementia and Alzheimers in our care and we really go out of our way to make the life they have left as happy and comfortable as we can.

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Care work is a very under valued job by the general public which I find rather sad, unfortunately the workers are also undervalued, it is absolutely vital work and not work that just anyone could do well, it takes a very special type of person to be good at it.

In my opinion caring for people well in the last months/years of their life is one of the most important things that anyone can do, and definitely not something that anyone should look down on...its one of the few jobs where a person can really make such a difference to someone else.

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you still wipe old peoples bums for a living, not that clever are you!


You know what, this is a disgusting attitude and rather ill thought out, there is a hell of a lot more to caring for people than that.


If this is how you think then I feel a bit sorry for you because one day it will be your "bum" that needs wiping!

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Some people CHOOSE to care for others as their vocation in life, so why do people just assume that the only reason they are doing the job is because they have no choice?


Someone to whom I'm close has chosen recently to give up the white collar job that has bored them to tears for a number of years and instead do a job in which they know that they are helping people. They have qualifications up to their armpits, but when it comes to job satisfaction they believe that 30 years behind a desk is as much as they could bear and a change was necessary in order to reconnect with what they would LIKE to do.

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