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Why do people presume you're not clever if you're a carer?

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I don't know who you're talking about but no one made a joke about anyone proud and dignified with Alzheimer's. He said "you wipe bums for a living". I don't see the connection


If you don't see the connection then research these illnesses! people with the later stages of Alzheimer's and Dementia are incapable of doing anything for themselves (hence wiping their own bums) its not all about old age even people as young as 50/60's develop Alzheimer's and Dementia and are incapable of wiping their own bum!

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I think it fairly safe to say that none of the people sniggering have had to watch one of their loved ones gradually lose their entire personality whilst their body continues on without them.


Nobody who has ever watched a family member go through this and had a guilty plea in their mind hoping that their loved one would die rather than have to go through the indignity and distress of losing their memory and every routine would ever laugh at the situation, nor would they disrespect the people who have the job of providing care, dignity and support for their loved one.


I totally agree with you, we treat all our residents like they're our own family, they have the same respect as we would give our own mother/ father, and it does devastate us when we lose one as we build up such good relationships with them, but we make sure they have the best possible care and consideration to aid them along the way.

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There is no wonder we hear so many sad tales of abuse of in care homes when the people doing a very difficult, often thankless task caring for the elderly are looked down on like this. Truly, truly pathetic:(


I'm not a carer but I would never, ever hold the pathetic, patronising attitudes of some of the idiots on here towards this job.


I think we British need to think a bit more about our stuck up snobbish attitudes.

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There is no wonder we hear so many sad tales of abuse of in care homes when the people doing a very difficult, often thankless task caring for the elderly are looked down on like this. Truly, truly pathetic:(


I'm not a carer but I would never, ever hold the pathetic, patronising attitudes of some of the idiots on here towards this job.


I think we British need to think a bit more about our stuck up snobbish attitudes.


I totally agree redruby. To read some of the comments on here is shameful but I am thinking that these are coming from someone who is extremely young and doesn't know any better. Carers appear to be the most under-rated people in any class of work and yet it's one of the hardest both physically and emotionally. I'm not sure I could do it.

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i suggest that the people who are disrespecting carers on here swop places with one for a week & see how demanding the work is & if you have to care for your own loved one how emotionally distroying this can be & i talk from experience i am or was an injection moulding technician & a fully qualified coded welder and had to end my career to look after my wife who has ms [had it 30 years] 12 months ago and i can assure you it is no easy job it is heartbreaking to watch the person you love to go downhill physically & mentally knowing the only thing you can do for them is to look after their daily needs & comfort so as i say try it before deriding the the people that are forced into these situations because of their love for the person affected and in need of this type of care

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There is no wonder we hear so many sad tales of abuse of in care homes when the people doing a very difficult, often thankless task caring for the elderly are looked down on like this. Truly, truly pathetic:(


I'm not a carer but I would never, ever hold the pathetic, patronising attitudes of some of the idiots on here towards this job.


I think we British need to think a bit more about our stuck up snobbish attitudes.


It's not just the carers that a lot of people look down upon though, is it?


The elderly themselves are often a subject of ridicule, as are those who aren't able to look after themselves because of disabilities.


The whole concept of not just failing to care for those who are less fortunate than oneself, but actually patronising and laughing at them, is just beyond me.


Instead of laughing at them, how about just feeling thankful that you aren't in that position yourself? Or how about hoping that you live long enough to get old? It's better than the alternative.

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I doubt there's many young people that are hoping they get old. It's not something I gave anytime to.


I didn't say that they should hope that they get old, I said that they should hope that they survive long enough to get old. They're two different things.

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I have some idea how hard things must be at the moment speedypete0, I was carer for my Mum for a year, then with my Sister nursed her through the last 2 months of her life so that she could die at home like she wanted to and with dignity...and I am far from ashamed to say that I performed every task that needed doing for her.


In fact I am proud that I loved her enough to over look how unpleasant the tasks were, and to smile, and do it cheerfully and to think more about how to make it bearable for her than about the short lived discomfort of smells etc.


If that makes me thick in some peoples eyes then so be it, but if so I am glad to be...sorry but I just cannot see the humor of it, the reality is far from being a comedy show.

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