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Does the income tax threshold go up next month?

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It isn't actually.


The last four years are ample proof of that.


Greed is probably the wrong word, Acquisitiveness is probably better, the last four years have shown two things, the first is that socialists cannot run a government. The second is that capitalists can.


This country is founded on the making of money, despite all the difficulties of the last few years there is still over 60Trillion under management in the City of London.


Socialists spend and mismanage Gold Reserves, Pension funds, Public services, foreign wars, (I only realised recently that Blair and his toadies took us into more foreign wars than any other government).


Capitalists are about making money, hoarding cash and assets, encouraging people to be self sufficient and independent, not dependent on the state handout, the dole, social services, etc etc.


The poor are always with us (Rousseau I believe) as are the sick and the needy. such citizens should be cared for and cared for well. What socilaism has created is a society in which the facilities created for this care are disgustingly abused.


The actions being taken by the current administration, in very dificult circumstances, are broadly correct. Driving down the cost of public services, encouraging wealth creation through business will,if the people of the UK dont lose their bottle a the next election, lead us to a much brighter future.

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Greed is probably the wrong word, Acquisitiveness is probably better, the last four years have shown two things, the first is that socialists cannot run a government. The second is that capitalists can.


This country is founded on the making of money, despite all the difficulties of the last few years there is still over 60Trillion under management in the City of London.


Socialists spend and mismanage Gold Reserves, Pension funds, Public services, foreign wars, (I only realised recently that Blair and his toadies took us into more foreign wars than any other government).


Capitalists are about making money, hoarding cash and assets, encouraging people to be self sufficient and independent, not dependent on the state handout, the dole, social services, etc etc.


The poor are always with us (Rousseau I believe) as are the sick and the needy. such citizens should be cared for and cared for well. What socilaism has created is a society in which the facilities created for this care are disgustingly abused.


The actions being taken by the current administration, in very dificult circumstances, are broadly correct. Driving down the cost of public services, encouraging wealth creation through business will,if the people of the UK dont lose their bottle a the next election, lead us to a much brighter future.



The nasty party ie the Tory party wont win the next election if the people have any sense at all.

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The nasty party ie the Tory party wont win the next election if the people have any sense at all.


You only have to put up with it for another couple of years :)


(p.s) I heard a Labour MP (can't recall the name) saying they wouldn't re-increase the top threshold back to 50p if they got back into power. Which is reasonable, and a crafty bit of spin.

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You only have to put up with it for another couple of years :)


(p.s) I heard a Labour MP (can't recall the name) saying they wouldn't re-increase the top threshold back to 50p if they got back into power. Which is reasonable, and a crafty bit of spin.




Lets hope so,and lets hope their stooges the lib dems get wiped out.

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Still far too low. Pitiful, in fact.


Any party that claims it is for the poor and low paid worker and then proceeds to maintain or prolong a tax system which steals a significant portion of the fruits of said poor and low paid worker's labour is indulging in the most blatant hypocrisy.


If income tax is to be considered theft (whether necessary or not), then it is surely the most viscous and incentive crushing when inflicted upon the lowest paid in society.


At least income tax is based on income. Poorer people pay a higher proportion of their income in other taxes, like VAT.

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At least income tax is based on income. Poorer people pay a higher proportion of their income in other taxes, like VAT.


What method would you like to see to get the most out of taxation?


There have been so many variations over the last 300/400 years... each hoping to be fairer than the last. IMO, the numerous suggestions of granny tax, or rich tax, or poor tax or whatever, are just comments that have no meaning unless backed up with sensible solutions that are fairer.

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I'd raise inheritance tax, keep the 50p income tax band, introduce negative income tax to replace most benefits & have a wealth tax that took a small percentage of a (rich) person's wealth each year. Could afford to raise the income allowances & cut VAT then. Maybe scrap or reduce some other taxes too like council tax, tv license, duties.


That's just a start.

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I'd raise inheritance tax, keep the 50p income tax band, introduce negative income tax to replace most benefits & have a wealth tax that took a small percentage of a (rich) person's wealth each year. Could afford to raise the income allowances & cut VAT then. Maybe scrap or reduce some other taxes too like council tax, tv license, duties.


That's just a start.


And drive all the wealth out of the country. Brilliant.

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