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Eco-martyr's cock it up again

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They will if you use them once and then throw them away. It's a con I tell you.


Surely if you throw them away that defeats their object. Unless, of course, you put them over your head and tie a shoelace found the necks, yours and its, and throw yourself, and it, in the Pacific. Then it would be for life.


H&S Warning: Do not try this.

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Surely if you throw them away that defeats their object. .


I guess that must be the con then.


Perhaps, though, it's a con - dom that Wex was getting at. Maybe he is suggesting that the bag for life be placed over the appendage mentioned in the thread title. I'd heard those Eco-martyrs had big ones.


Well, it makes as much sense as the OP.

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Bags for life don't contribute to the plastic soup the size of Texas currently floating around the Pacific.


They do, because contrary to the claim they do not last for life. It's false advertising I tells ya.

Me, I carry all my shopping home it baskets woven from eagles nests lined with the soft downy fur of baby seals (and I only use them once before burning).



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just use a rucksack


Cause you can fit your weekly shop in a rucksack. Bright idea.


If a mandatory charge is introduced it will hit the poorest again.


A single mom who can't afford a car has to lug her shopping home on the bus and now she has left to spend on food because they're charging for plastic bags.


(A charge which is already reflected in the food she bought at the shop, one of the reasons why places like Aldi are cheaper in the first place)


Another tax that would hit the poorest hardest once again.

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They do, because contrary to the claim they do not last for life. It's false advertising I tells ya.


They're not supposed to last for life, the point was supposed to be that you can take them back for a free replacement & get the old one recycled when it breaks. I think very few people do.

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They're not supposed to last for life, the point was supposed to be that you can take them back for a free replacement & get the old one recycled when it breaks. I think very few people do.


I was being facetious. Also didn't know you could take them back to be replaced.



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personally I think we should have the option for paper bags in the UK, just like they do in the US. This has made their costs come down and if they are recycled, they are much better for the environment.


Its strange how the gas guzzling US are more economically friendly then us Europeans when it comes to shopping bags.


You missed the part about paper bags costing 3 times as much in CO2 (probably in money too)? They'd have to last over 3 times longer than a plastic bag to be any saving, they don't. They might be better for wildlife & biodegrading, but that's about all. I don't think they'd last any longer than a plastic bag either & plastic bags can also be recycled, I think all supermarkets have plastic bag recycling.

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