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I laugh at the government

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No, I don't think so. You never earned your parents'/guardians' love, care and support. Your childhood was the foundation of who you are, what you know and everything you do. You, or me or anyone else never earned their upbringing, it was granted to them by the altruism of their families. You haven't earned the knowledge that has been acquired and passed down for hundreds of generations and the technology that came with it that improves your standard of living. All of these were granted to us by our predecessors.


In my case i do not think your theory fits, I believe my childhood was a bit of a nightmare by most standards. I, like many others have done ok after what I believe by any objective judgement would be seen as a bad start.


No matter where you start, if you make progress then that surely is down to your own efforts, hopefully you can lay the groundwork for others who follow you to make progress. However I believe history shows us this is not always the case.


Although I dont agree with you I do see your arguement and respect your opinion.

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Government is supposed to be a ruling governing authority.

They set rates for taxes and bussines tells them to put it down or else they move.


Ok Ok cry cy we'll put it down, sorry well be good says government.


Good boy says bussiness dont forget who's the boss here.


Keep your finges of our money its not for you say rich, take it from the poor if you need it.


There is no authorithy or power in government to serve normal people living their dayly lives in britain. They are puppets. Puppets of a silly stupid meaningless game serving a few that have more power than prime minister.


I take it you don't work too hard or have achieved so well that you employ people, no, you just have your hands out beggin!

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I take it you don't work too hard or have achieved so well that you employ people, no, you just have your hands out beggin!


I am having a good time. Love my work and live, no need to achieve nonsense goals, don't waste energy on dreams.

Government are crying beggers, I have surpassed that illnes and laugh at them.

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In my case i do not think your theory fits, I believe my childhood was a bit of a nightmare by most standards. I, like many others have done ok after what I believe by any objective judgement would be seen as a bad start.


No matter where you start, if you make progress then that surely is down to your own efforts, hopefully you can lay the groundwork for others who follow you to make progress. However I believe history shows us this is not always the case.


"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants". I am sorry to hear about your bad childhood, but someone or something must have had a positive influence in your life. I am not asking you to credit all your achievements to others but to acknowledge that without the foundations you were provided you couldn't have built upon them.

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"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants". I am sorry to hear about your bad childhood, but someone or something must have had a positive influence in your life. I am not asking you to credit all your achievements to others but to acknowledge that without the foundations you were provided you couldn't have built upon them.


I fear we must agree to differ. But a well argued opinion.

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If you follow your arguement then inevitably mankind progresses, I feel it doesnt inevitably follow that this is the case. We can see that in the west we have had progress in most ways for about 500 years. If we go back to ancient times the Roman empire lasted for almost 100 years, then it collapsed and progress halted.


There are some who feel that our progress may well halt.

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If you follow your arguement then inevitably mankind progresses, I feel it doesnt inevitably follow that this is the case. We can see that in the west we have had progress in most ways for about 500 years. If we go back to ancient times the Roman empire lasted for almost 100 years, then it collapsed and progress halted.


There are some who feel that our progress may well halt.


My argument is entirely neutral on what social environments perpetuate, whether it's progress or stagnation. Progress was achieved in Greek and Roman societies due to the freedom of thought and the civil liberties of certain classes. Stagnation occured after the establishment of Christianity due to the religious fanaticism and stifling of scientific research. It is unclear what exactly serves as the tipping point that pushes a society to abandon a school of thought and adopt another, but what is apparent is that it is trying to serve its own best interests, regardless of it's lack of foresight.


My point is that the foundations aren't constant and thus won't always create progress. They can undergo a permutation given a large enough timeframe, similar to special evolution.

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What gets me is all the Tory mouths on here saying people shouldn't live beyond their means yet credit is what boomed the UK in the early 1980s with the deregulation of the banking industry which began in 1980 and is ultimately responsible for the 2008 crash. What a set of hypocrites.

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