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Baroness Ashton what a disgrace

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the Baroness did not mention what is happening daily in the southern part of Israel, where Jewish schoolchildren live in constant fear of being obliterated by missiles launched from Gaza. Perhaps, in her mind, the Jewish children of Israel deserve everything that comes their way.

They I belive do there best to target terrorists who knows how many children and school would be bombed if left unchecked

Israel is a free and democratic society,in Gaza they teach hate as in Iran

the murder of Jewish children in Toulouse is a tragedy which merits a focus all of its own. To equate the tragedy with the situation in Gaza is utterly reprehensible, and manifest evidence her own inability to distinguish between that which is evil and immoral and that which is just and moral. She is a disgrace to the European Union, and bring shame upon the United Kingdom. She is ignorant of the facts and quite out of her depth. Doubtless she is too pig-headed to retract and apologise for the statement, and too obdurate and unyielding to resign. So, we are stuck with her. Frankly, she alone make the case for being Better Off Out.

better off out ? why ? just because she doesnt share your opinion ?

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Baroness Ashton: "When we think about what happened today in Toulouse...we see what is happening in Gaza”

The murder of Jewish children in Toulouse is a tragedy what happens in Gaza

is the Israel defence force defending its own school children from terrorists rockets.

She should be sacked or is this the EU policy antisemitism



How is criticising Israel anti-semitic? Israel does NOT = Judiaism.


I am oppossed the state of Israel, its very existance is an international crime. The Balfour Declaration is a stain on even Britain's history, which says something when one considers the vile history we have.


However, I have no issue with the Israelites nor the Jewish faith. Am I an anti-semite?

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It's irrelevant whether she's elected or not. She was appointed by the EU to speak on its behalf.


Rather underlines the issue with unelected people speaking for entire continents does it not? She says something that is at best insensitive, what does she care? It's not like she has re-election to worry about.

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Rather underlines the issue with unelected people speaking for entire continents does it not? She says something that is at best insensitive, what does she care? It's not like she has re-election to worry about.


How is it insensitive exactly? She seems to me to be making a comment about the awfulness of children being killed and citing some recent examples - whose sensitivies are you suggesting have been offended?

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How is it insensitive exactly? She seems to me to be making a comment about the awfulness of children being killed and citing some recent examples - whose sensitivies are you suggesting have been offended?


Sick jihadi murders several children at point blank range in Toulouse. Sick jihadi cornered, claims was in revenge for children in Gaza, though it now turns out he just couldn't find any soldiers to kill so thought he'd kill some kids as a "next best".


Some silly cow who claims to speak for all of europe then equates those murders as on a level with the ongoing warfare in southern Israel and gaza between hamas terrorists and the people of Israel.


I'm offended. Any European with an iota of morality will be offended.

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Sick jihadi murders several children at point blank range in Toulouse. Sick jihadi cornered, claims was in revenge for children in Gaza, though it now turns out he just couldn't find any soldiers to kill so thought he'd kill some kids as a "next best".


Some silly cow who claims to speak for all of europe then equates those murders as on a level with the ongoing warfare in southern Israel and gaza between hamas terrorists and the people of Israel.

I'm offended. Any European with an iota of morality will be offended.


No, she doesn't. She quite specifically equates those murders with other killings of children in various other conflicts. It is a comment about the tragedy of the killing of children.


Quite where you are coming from with your 'Any European' comment I don't know. Is it only europeans who are allowed to care about children being killed?

Are dead Palestinian kids or dead Islraeli less worthy of our sorrow than French ones? What do you mean by that?

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How is criticising Israel anti-semitic? Israel does NOT = Judiaism.


I loathe the state of Israel, its very existance is an international crime. The Balfour Declaration is a stain on even Britain's history, which says something when one considers the vile history we have.


However, I have no issue with the Israelites nor the Jewish faith. Am I an anti-semite?


Conflation is quite the art form, it seems.


Ok, so Israel and Judaism is not the most tenuous of links, but when you consider that much of Israeli foreign policy actually seems to create MORE hatred/resentment of Jews, and causes many a Jew to place head in hands, you start to wonder if the people in charge are actually themselves anti-semitic.

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No, she doesn't. She quite specifically equates those murders with other killings of children in various other conflicts. It is a comment about the tragedy of the killing of children.


No, she lists some conflicts in which children have been killed, then throws in a cold blooded multiple murder and a coach crash. Deeply stupid.


Quite where you are coming from with your 'Any European' comment I don't know. Is it only europeans who are allowed to care about children being killed?

Are dead Palestinian kids or dead Islraeli less worthy of our sorrow than French ones? What do you mean by that?


Where could I be coming from? Am I saying only Europeans have morality? Only the European feels emotion at the killing of children? The non-Europeans don't care about that sort of thing?


Or, could I be saying "Any European" because this woman is speaking on behalf of Europe and by extension Europeans thus they have a very valid view on the stuff she's spouted as she claims to speak for them?

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