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Baroness Ashton what a disgrace

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Counter-battery fire, which the entire civilised world employs when under ranged attack, not just Israel, aims at the launch point. If the people launching the attack brought their kids to work, that is evidence of their inhumanity and they carry the responsibility for the results of inevitable counter-battery suppression fire. Yes it is tragic. But the people responsible for the tragedy are the terrorists who launch missiles surrounded by kids knowing full well the consequences. These people share the same worldview of the beast of Toulouse.


You're really clutching at straws if you want us to believe every child killed in Gaza was a human shield for terrorist activities.


Especially if you take a look at the following link:




'Two Israeli soldiers convicted of using a Palestinian child as a human shield during an offensive in Gaza in 2009 have received suspended sentences and been demoted.


The soldiers had forced the nine-year-old boy to open suspected booby-trapped bags at gunpoint.'

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'Two Israeli soldiers convicted of using a Palestinian child as a human shield during an offensive in Gaza in 2009 have received suspended sentences and been demoted.


The soldiers had forced the nine-year-old boy to open suspected booby-trapped bags at gunpoint.'[/b]



That's just sick.

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You're really clutching at straws if you want us to believe every child killed in Gaza was a human shield for terrorist activities.


Especially if you take a look at the following link:




'Two Israeli soldiers convicted of using a Palestinian child as a human shield during an offensive in Gaza in 2009 have received suspended sentences and been demoted.


The soldiers had forced the nine-year-old boy to open suspected booby-trapped bags at gunpoint.'


An examle of wrongdoing that was punished. Not as harshly as I would like, but punished nonetheless.


I take a wholistic view of these matters and frankly don't give a toss about either israel or the arabs that want/don't want real independance in the bits of other countries in which they live. Kill a mass murderous rat like zarqawi and some collateral results does not equal murder entirely innocent kids at point blank range. In my view. Don't like it, you live with th consequences and deaths that result from leaving an animal like him alive.

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I take a wholistic view of these matters and frankly don't give a toss


fair enough, but you really shouldn't dishonestly claim the deaths at the hands of the IDF are all accidents. They're not. The IDF deliberately shoot children.

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fair enough, but you really shouldn't dishonestly claim the deaths at the hands of the IDF are all accidents. They're not. The IDF deliberately shoot children.


They probably do. Children who by your own link are chucking blast bombs at them. Not random children. Children who who have been brought up as terrorists. What do you think of the parents of these children? These evil creatures who send their offspring out to commit terrorist acts as a child?

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They probably do. Children who by your own link are chucking blast bombs at them. Not random children. Children who who have been brought up as terrorists. What do you think of the parents of these children? These evil creatures who send their offspring out to commit terrorist acts as a child?


So all children the IDF have shot have been combatants?

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Children who by your own link are chucking blast bombs at them. Not random children.


Simply not true:


Iman walked past her school with her satchel over her shoulder, crossed the road and climbed down a small sandy bank to an area that was an olive and citrus orchard until the army's bulldozers flattened it in April. She had entered the "forbidden zone" next to the watchtower where any Palestinian risks being shot.


The schoolgirl kept on walking toward the tower but was still several hundred metres away when two shots caught her in the leg. She dropped her bag, turned, tried to hobble away, and fell.


Four or five soldiers emerged from the army post and shot at her from a distance. Palestinian witnesses and some Israeli soldiers say that the platoon commander moved in closer to put two bullets in the child's head. They say that he then walked away, turned back and fired a stream of bullets into her body.




The satchel contained school books.

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Baroness Ashton: "When we think about what happened today in Toulouse...we see what is happening in Gaza”

The murder of Jewish children in Toulouse is a tragedy what happens in Gaza

is the Israel defence force defending its own school children from terrorists rockets.

She should be sacked or is this the EU policy antisemitism


Would I be correct in my assumption that if Baroness Ashton had linked the murder of innocent children in Toulouse to that of the children slaughtered in their beds in Afghanistan then this thread would never have started let alone gone on as long as it has:suspect:

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Basically, if you read between the lines, Baroness Ashton wanted to make a statement about the Israel-Gaza conflict, and specifiacally about the casualties inflicted by Israel. She could have in fact made the statement any time, she could have aired the same sentiments after the bus crash that killed 22 kids, but instead it took the shooting of some Jewish kids which she saw as an opportune moment, which was incredibly crass and misjudged imo.

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