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I feel like i'm going out of my head

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i feel like i'm going out of my head


my son has been selling & smoking weed for as long as i can remember


& i dont know why but we put up it & he has just got worse & worse


& he's now doing coke & i'm sure he's selling that as well


we've just had enough we stopped him coming dawn to see us


because when he dose he stinks of weed & is so high or aggressive


there is just no reasoning with him


we wanted to get the support from our other kids to just refuse to see him to let him know


what he is doing isn't right but they wont all they say is he's our brother we can't do that


but me & tony just can't put up with it anymore


i have felt so depressed alertly i just don't know what to do about him


we have tried allsorts with him but he just doesn't care


i even went to the police & reported my own son telling them what he's doing &


they have done nothing we have just recently found out that my daughter is smoking she is 14


& has been doing it since she was 13 (but this i can understand her doing she has been very stressed with


certain things so i can't go hard on her but belive me im not happy about it


but when my son has gone to the shop for her for cigarette's


she will give him a £5 she should have about £1 something left & he keeps it then takes


some of her cigarette's as well he is just being like a gangster type of a lad


he loves the hard man look & when you ask him to get a job he just says ''this is who i am ''


& just smirks at you i thought he was going to hit tony because


he told him a few home truths i just don't like who he has become


i just don't know what to do with him i feel so drained


he would come in the bungalow & just start eating our food he never ask at all


(he doesn't live with us but he may as well) he was here all the time


until we told him enough is enough & to get out & don't come back until he is off the drugs


& he just went away laughing at us i can't believe he has turned out like this


we have always taught him to have respect for people


but he swore at a women with her kids because she commented how he smelt


with the weed then went on swearing at the shop owners & anyone that said anything he didn't like


& he did all this while he was with my 14 year old daughter


i just feel like leaving Sheffield altogether & not coming back ever


i just don't know what to do next


sorry its so long & im moaning but i just have to talk to somone


or write shall i say write :(

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a am old friend of mine was the same and it took all of his friends and family to tern there back on him and and then he stopped it all together when his son was born. but if you need to get help the jemmy k show its a bit extra but there will make him face what he is doing to you hope this helps

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Where would you like to live if you moved house, somewhere with happy memories - you have your husband, if I were you I would move, I'd go to an estate agent and ask if they could sell your house privately if you didn't want your children to know - I would move to the seaside and try and forget about them, let them know via other relatives if they have given up drugs or whatever, your daughter can move with you but must stop the ciggies, he is a bad influence on her.


Detach yourself from the situation or it will make your health worse in the long run, because he comes and goes as he pleases makes him feel in control.


I really hope you don't allow him to blight your life any more, best wishes x

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thank you for all the links i relay do appreciate them i do

but the thing is he wouldn't use them he likes what he is doing a lot

he loves the gangster lifestyle

but we just can't be a part of it


& the jk show i know he just wouldn't go

& i relay don't think i can go through all that

i fit when stressed & wouldn't want to do that in

front of people i would be embarrassed with people looking at me :(

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Please don't move to the seaside. It's no life for your 13/14 year old daughter and little prospects.


As others have said, you need some support. You might try parentline 0114 2726575


Whoever says that weed does not make you aggressive has not seen the things I have. There are different products out there, and people react very differently.

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Please don't move to the seaside. It's no life for your 13/14 year old daughter and little prospects.


As others have said, you need some support. You might try parentline 0114 2726575


Whoever says that weed does not make you aggressive has not seen the things I have. There are different products out there, and people react very differently.




i hate the stuff it stinks we knew he had gone on to harder stuff

because his personality totally changed

i would just like my son back the one i used to know

Darth Vader what will parentline do he doesn't live here

so i don't know how they will help him or whether he would accept it :confused:

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It occured to me that he wouldn't wish to seek help.I was thinking though that if you needed to talk to someone.That organisation may be able to give you advice,and point you in the right direction.

i do think though that your GP should be your first point of call.You need support don't you.

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i hate the stuff it stinks we knew he had gone on to harder stuff

because his personality totally changed

i would just like my son back the one i used to know

Darth Vader what will parentline do he doesn't live here

so i don't know how they will help him or whether he would accept it :confused:


It's for YOU. You're the parent and you have a younger daughter too, don't you. You can benefit from talking to them, knowing you're not on your own, other parents will have gone through the same and they may be able to advise you.

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