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I feel like i'm going out of my head

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Yeah never give up, and don't worry about the gangstar front its just good for sales, and most kids now go through their stage of talking black whether they sell drugs or not. Plus there is a bit of weed drought at moment so he may struggle a bit in these tough economic times.

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I remember my mother found one of those banger type things that you throw on the floor and they make a little pop. My mum though the rocks in there were crack wrapped in a risla. she worried for a week and finally confronted my brother and it was over nothing. Just try and continue to speak, maybe things aren't as bad as you think, or if they are you at least you know where you stand.

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I remember my mother found one of those banger type things that you throw on the floor and they make a little pop. My mum though the rocks in there were crack wrapped in a risla. she worried for a week and finally confronted my brother and it was over nothing. Just try and continue to speak, maybe things aren't as bad as you think, or if they are you at least you know where you stand.


Sorry, but that is rather comical! Sounds like something my Mum would do. :hihi:

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Same as everyone on here, I feel so sorry for you, and you sound so sad, one thing I will say is, we all know he's your son and she's your daughter. But what about you and your hubby, are you in good health? If not all this will be making you ten times worse.

You could be banging your head against a brick wall forever, some people just don't want to listen, then in the meantime you and hubby are having to cope..:(

I'm not saying ignore the situation that's impossible, but please look to yourselves..

I'd be tempted to take Cressidas advice and move away...:(

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]I'd say there isn't anything inherently wrong with a teenager smoking weed but it seems like his attitude stinks[/b] :( I know my mum was worried seriously about my brother for similar things. I guess it's a cliche but hopefully he'll grow out of it? Or maybe a short sharp shock to the sytem (a close call with police or similar) is what he needs.


Whatever happens don't give up on him, for all his bravado and 'gangster' front, I guarantee one day he will come crying back to you for help when he bites off more than he can chew.


You don't see the connection?


This gut is not simply smoking a bit of weed to chill out now and then - he is on the big stuff now.


The OP talks about her husband being scared

She talks about being desperate.

She talks about paying lots of money (so clearly he has already done the "they are going to kill me if you don't pay thing" ie come to her when bitten off more than can chew)

She talks about having "shopped" him to the police.


it isn't just "attitude" that is being discussed - you belittle the situation by stating that IMO.

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I feel you should look after yourself and your husband at the moment, in order to gain strenght and support your 14 year old, who you are still responsible for.


Your son has made his choices, and you need to protect your sanity. I would personally try and get counselling, from drugs specialists, who help families cope with their relatives additions. Its a 'tough love' type of therapy, but you do need to protect yourself in order to survive this experience.

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Please don't move to the seaside. It's no life for your 13/14 year old daughter and little prospects.


It depends which seaside you're talking about. I live six minutes from the beach yet only 15 minutes from Liverpool. You can have the best of both worlds and I never tire of commuting via Merseyrail's underground or getting a ferry home from work!

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It depends which seaside you're talking about. I live six minutes from the beach yet only 15 minutes from Liverpool. You can have the best of both worlds and I never tire of commuting via Merseyrail's underground or getting a ferry home from work!


How many times have you hummed the song as you ferry cross the Mersey?

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Please don't move to the seaside. It's no life for your 13/14 year old daughter and little prospects.


As others have said, you need some support. You might try parentline 0114 2726575


Whoever says that weed does not make you aggressive has not seen the things I have. There are different products out there, and people react very differently.


What does that mean? Is there anything better for kids than being by the sea in the fresh air:confused:

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