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Britain's Crimes of Honour

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Yes, I didn't see it all. You've just reminded me, I'll view it on catch up. Wasn't it the stunning girl who was burned terribly in Sheffield? That was shocking. I find it hard to believe though, after she had repeatedly told others her life was in danger from her husband, that she did that to herself. How could you stand the pain of doing that to yourself?


because if everyone in your family is telling you that you cannot leave the situation no matter what it costs you, you may feel like you have no options. When you think how difficult it seems to be for women in abusive relationships to leave when all their family and friends are supporting them, it must be infinitely harder when noone is listening.


This is one of the reasons why I think the nihab should be banned, its the mentality behind it that is dangerous. I couldn't give a damn about the pc reasons not to ban it.

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It does not help to falsely label concern and opposition to Islam, and the cultural practices it has shaped, as some sort of phobia. There is nothing irrational about challenging the irrational and unjust beliefs, values and practices of Islamic culture that are at odds with British culture. In fact, I'd argue it is essential if we to achieve greater integration and avoid the tragedy of violent cultural conflict. The fact that some racists will jump on the band wagon and start throwing around ludicrous and offensive arguments is not a good reason to stifle debate.
I don't post much (if at all) in threads on this 'theme', but it's been a really long time since I have seen this point framed in such reasonable, non-partisan and eloquent terms.


Attaboy to you, Zamo :)

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I didn't see the program so don't know whether this was included but another resource is Karma Nirvana:




Please donate to them. They do fantastic work.


I think so, were they campainging for banning forced marriage under 21. They got it banned and then the european court of human rights stuck its two penneth in and back to the dark ages we went.


I am sure that I have got something wrong in there but that was the gist of it.

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They got it banned and then the european court of human rights stuck its two penneth in and back to the dark ages we went.

I don't think human rights law would be used to force people into marriage. I'm open to persuassion, but I don't believe you at the minute.

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I don't think human rights law would be used to force people into marriage. I'm open to persuassion, but I don't believe you at the minute.


See my edit:hihi:


Although what you are saying does not neccessarily follow from what I said. I didn't suggest they started forcing people to marry, I said they stopped the legislation designed to prevent forced marriages.


I think it was to do with importing brides under 21 became illegal but that went because of a right to family life. I can't see it on the website but it was near the start of the program

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I saw this on many occassions a few years ago in Tinsley when my neighbours and I set up a neighbourhood watch. We went to every home encouraging fellow neighbours to speak out if they saw any crime near them. The response for us volunteers was overbearing, we should have been properly trained to deal with the situations people would tell us about. The group closed after death threats to all of us in front of our children and family and left us feeling isolated.


Howard Webb did a great job from Attercliffe as a liason officer during that time but when he left to concentrate on football refereeing no one could do the same before we changed to safer neighbourhood teams.


Young white women moving into the area not knowing about these vultures would be subjected to being drugged and raped and if they said anything then they would be killed. Many of these women and their friends have now left Tinsley with their half cast babies fearing for their lives.

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