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Advice needed-re dog barking


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I love alone,i have a dog on nice dry days i leave him outside obviously with a water bowl,clean toilet area,and loads of toys,

he loves being outside,he watches everyone walking past.


we have builders next door and the neighbours the other side both work nights,

they are now moaning my dog is barking and keeping them both awake in daytime whilst im out.


i have said nothing i can do hes barking at builders and protecting the house?


they arnt happy,i dont see what i can do?

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i agree leaving a dog outside will cause problems and isnt fair on the dog i had a neighbour who left their dog outside and it caused so many problems to the point where they brought their whole family round to beat up me my missus and my 2 young kids which my eldist is 2 years old this saturday and my youngist is 3 month old im sorry to say to you but im with your neighbours on this one

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I love alone,i have a dog on nice dry days i leave him outside obviously with a water bowl,clean toilet area,and loads of toys,

he loves being outside,he watches everyone walking past.


we have builders next door and the neighbours the other side both work nights,

they are now moaning my dog is barking and keeping them both awake in daytime whilst im out.


i have said nothing i can do hes barking at builders and protecting the house?


they arnt happy,i dont see what i can do?


i think you have to do something ..and very fast ...like now!!! you cant leave this dog outside barking as this is going to lead to you being called to court under noise abatement act ..you have to keep it inside if that stops it barking and start thinking about hiring a dog walker or sitter to look after it while you work

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there is NOTHING - I repeat NOTHING wrong with a dog being outside.


Someone is looking for advice, not judgements and put downs.


To the OP - I have barky dogs too and they are outside when the sun is out and in the heated garage when it is cold or wet. I'm waiting for the doggie trainer to come next week to try and help me sort my two out.


I do feel for you though.


Last week, there was a nice day so I had the back door open and my dogs were free to come and go at will. the dog up the hill barked all day - setting my two off, which set the pack across the road off. It was a rather noisy day, but at least I know that mine aren't the only culprits. :hihi:


I hope someone on here can offer you some advice becasue I would like to know what to do as well.


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hang on one min i work 2 hours and on a nice day my dog plays outside thats not wrong!!


he has water and toys he gets fresh air and we go walkies when im back from work,


i think its cruel to lock him inside on a warm nice day like today


the builders are on site 7am-6pm,

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If this is only a problem because of the builder's and your only out at work for 2 hour's a day why not just keep him/her in for that time then let out again when your back. I know what it's like to have dog's that bark i have 4 but alway's tell my neighbours to let me know if they are bothering them and will take them in if any one ask's.

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I'm not really sure what you are hoping for from the forum. If you are insisting on leaving the dog out while the builders are there, and you're not, then you're maintaining the staus quo, and therefore nothing's going to change. So I can't imagine what kind of advice you think might help, if you're going to carry on as before.


If I were your neighbours I'd be furious, particularly if your attitude was 'tough, there's nothing I can do' which seems to be pretty much what you're saying.

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You will have to do something because it's very selfish and totally unacceptable for your dog to be barking and disturbing others. How would you like it if your neighbour had a dog that barked all night while you were trying to sleep?


I'm sorry but I can't stand it when people leave their dogs outside and let them bark at people. Nothing wrong with your dog enjoying the outdoors but not at the expense of other people.


Couldn't you try keeping him indoors while you are at work, if it's only two hours he shouldn't need the toilet in that time and he could be crated or penned if necessary. Then when you get home you can supervise him in the garden.


The other problem leaving him in the garden alone (assuming he's not in a secure kennel?) is he could get pinched, especially if he's been annoying people, they might take revenge.


I don't let mine go outside alone and if she barks (rarely she'll bark if another dog barks) she's told a firm NO and is taken straight indoors again.

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