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New Baby, and dogs


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Hi, just gotten home with the newest member of our family, baby Jessica Joan. Mummy, and also forum member, em2656 is doing great.


We have two pugs, Stan and Nelly, and was just wondering how to help them with this transition? Stan is fine, he's very loving annd a bit of a coward. He keeps going over to her and laying near her and just wants to sniff her and lick her.

Nelly is a bit different. We got her at 6 months and we think she was poorly treated before we got her (she had never been outside, hadn't had her injections, and to this day she still cowers as though I'm going to hit her whenever I tell her off for anything). She follows me everywhere and is bessotted with me.

I'm looking for any advice on how to keep her from becoming jealous of the new arrival.



p.s. admin. I have repeated this post in the Pets Group part of the forum, please don't delete/merge the threads as it is relevent to both groups.

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Hello i know you got some good responses on the pets forum and i personally would agree with everything medusa posted.


I have one slightly loopy lurcher and we are expecting our first baby in september. We already have a good routine with the dog and as much as we can i plan for us to continue in this way. Fresh air is great for babies, humans and dogs so i plan to try and enjoy my time with dog and bubs getting out for walks as soon as we are up to it. I want to invest in a good sling and we have found a decent second hand all terrain buggy so that walks can continue to be fun and away from the roads.

My dog is a huge part of my family and i can't wait to see her and bubs grow up together we will make it work as not keeping the dog just isn't an option. Good luck and i am sure it will all work out.


I should also add my dog is a rescue and was mistreated she is also very nervous but we work really hard on boundries and rules so that we don't get problems around seperation anxiety. She isn't encouraged to follow us round and gets rewarded for behaving in the way we want. If you try and include her, make sure the dogs don't get ignored an that includes by guests and make being around the baby fun and motivating i.e. when they behave as you want them to around the baby ensure the get good treats then they will quickly see her as a positive aspect of life

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