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George Osbourne cigarette card collection!

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George Osbourne recalled his grandfather's cigarette card collection in today's budget. Fearing that the art of collecting cigarette packets and cards was dying out he called for a re-introduction of this bygone habit.


These are just a few of the packets to collect;


Albanian; Pirja e duhanit mund të vrasë (Smoking can kill)

Taiwanese; 吸菸有害健康 (Smoking is hazardous to your health

Croatian; Pušenje ubija (Smoking kills)

German; Rauchen ist todlich (Smoking is lethal)

Cyprussian; Οι καπνιστές πεθαίνουν γρήγορα. Τütün içenler genç yaşta ölür. (Smokers die younger.)

Czech; Kuřáci umírají předčasně. (Smokers die younger)

Danish; Rygning nedsætter levealderen (Smokers die younger)

Finnish; Tupakoivat kuolevat nuorempina / Rökare dör i förtid (Smokers die younger)

French; Fumer tue (Smoking kills)

Greek; Το κάπνισμα μπορεί να σκοτώσει. (Smoking can kill)

Hungarian; A dohányosok korábban halnak. (Smokers die earlier.)

Irish; Toradh caithimh tobac – bás – Smoking kills

Italian; Il fumo uccide / Il fumo può uccidere. (Smoking kills / Smoking may kill)

Latvian; Smēķētaji mirst jauni (Smokers die young)

Dutch; Roken is dodelijk (Smoking is deadly)

Polish; Palenie zabija (Smoking kills)

Portuguese; Fumar mata. (Smoking kills)

Slovenian; Kajenje ubija (Smoking kills)

Spanish; Fumar puede matar (Smoking can kill)

Swedish; Rökning dödar. (Smoking kills.)

English; You just got clean ripped off!

Chinese; 吸煙足以致命 (Smoking Kills)

Icelandic; Reykingar drepa (Smoking kills)

Malaysian; AMARAN OLEH KERAJAAN MALAYSIA, MEROKOK MEMBAHAYAKAN KESIHATAN (Warning by the government of Malaysia, Smoking endangers health)

Moldovan; Fumatul ucide (Smoking kills)

Norwegian; Røyking dreper (Smoking kills)

Russian; Курение убивает (Smoking kills)

Serbian; Пушење убија. Дувански дим штети људима у Вашој околини. (Smoking kills. Tobacco smoke harms people around you.)

Turkish; Sigara içmek öldürür (Smoking kills)

Ukranian; Курцi помирають рано. (Smokers die younger.)


Can you collect them all!

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Not until I'm provided with affordable housing.


With the cost of housing I am not surprised you can't afford bacca.


Perhaps you could start off with the cheapest of the card collection and save up for a UK DUTY PAID card.

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