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Protest is not enough!

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After years of the socialist morons peeing away our taxes on their public sector ego projects its about time someone actually got us back onto planet earth.


You make your own life. If you want something - earn it. If you want more - work harder and earn more. If you are not happy about something - take action and deal with it.


Or we could all just sit there whinging and whining like a child expecting the nanny state to subsidise our lives for us.


Yes, the elderly and infirm are big cry babies aren't they?:rolleyes:

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........ oh and whilst we are on the subject of some of your whinging and whining about those who happens to earn a high salary. Why all this media hypocracy about bankers???.


Plenty of percieved "idols" and "heros"... pop stars, wags, celebs, footballers all are on six figure salaries. All have offshore investments, 'business' interests, skeleton company registrations with no turnover, offshore cash accounts, properties in tax havens and yet..... not a mention in the media. No occupy protests screaming for the head of Wayne and Waynetta Rooney. No protests outside the house of Saint Geldoff, Justin Tbag or whatever that thing's called.


Same issue. Same "disgrace" but not a metion. I wonder why that is?

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Yes, the elderly and infirm are big cry babies aren't they?:rolleyes:


The elderly and infirm get plenty of taxpayer funding to fund their heating allowance, pension credits, nursing and healthcare costs, mobility allowances, carer costs, prescriptions. Plenty of them also have private investments, property and savings. Its not all been taken away has it?


Doesn't mean that some of it can be trimmed. Just like other parts of the public sector.

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And, whilst VAT stays at its present record high, Corporation Tax is reduced by a further 2%. Meanwhile, vital services for the sick and the vulnerable are still being cut and yet more public workers face unemployment. Do the people of Sheffield now see that when Mr Osborne, Mr Cameron and their greedy friends claim that 'we are all in this together', they are not telling the truth?


Business creates wealth and the tax revenue raised from it pays for our public sector services. Squeeze businesses too much (when we need growth) and you risk having a bigger share of a lot less and we all suffer.


Let's hope you don't get the job of chancellor come the revolution.

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After years of the socialist morons peeing away our taxes on their public sector ego projects its about time someone actually got us back onto planet earth.


You make your own life. If you want something - earn it. If you want more - work harder and earn more. If you are not happy about something - take action and deal with it.


Or we could all just sit there whinging and whining like a child expecting the nanny state to subsidise our lives for us.



So you agree that everyone should earn their own money? It must therefore follow that inheritance should be abolished so that we are all on a level playing field. I am pleased that you agree with that. Well said!:)

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........ oh and whilst we are on the subject of some of your whinging and whining about those who happens to earn a high salary. Why all this media hypocracy about bankers???.


Plenty of percieved "idols" and "heros"... pop stars, wags, celebs, footballers all are on six figure salaries. All have offshore investments, 'business' interests, skeleton company registrations with no turnover, offshore cash accounts, properties in tax havens and yet..... not a mention in the media. No occupy protests screaming for the head of Wayne and Waynetta Rooney. No protests outside the house of Saint Geldoff, Justin Tbag or whatever that thing's called.


Same issue. Same "disgrace" but not a metion. I wonder why that is?

And the massive wages some footballers are paid cause high entrance fees to watch matches for poor families.

As you say why are there no massive protests about this ?

Could class war be the answer or envy ?

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I have worked bloody hard over the past 30 years for what I have so why shouldn't I leave the results of my hard work to my children when I depart this world ???

Inheritance is not an ugly word or a bad thing !!!


Read what ECCO said.....he said very clearly that people should work for what they get. If they want more they should work harder. They make their own life he says. He does not believe in inheritance.


How he could be a tory supporter is beyond me as Cameron was born into millions without earning anything! He should HATE Cameron!

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