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Protest is not enough!

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So you agree that everyone should earn their own money? It must therefore follow that inheritance should be abolished so that we are all on a level playing field. I am pleased that you agree with that. Well said!:)


I never said any of that.


Yes I feel MOST people should pay their own way with lots of things.

State should fund essential services not a lifestyle. Despite what people are saying not everything in the firing line of cuts is ESSENTIAL.


For those lucky enough to inherit enough to live their lives on or for those lucky enough to be born into a life of priviledge - fair enough. Some people are born with a silver spoon, others arn't. that's life.


Simiarly, there are those who due to illness or disability cannot ever work. State provides for them and that part of the public sector has a place in society.


BUT you are not going to persuade me otherwise that there are just one too many people who are unnecessarilly living off the state. One too many people who have taken more than their fair share out of the system. One too many labour ministers who were so petrified of losing their union funding they would simply roll over and allow Messrs Crow, Prentis, McCluskey any demands they so wished without any thought of where the money was going to come from.


It had to stop. As bitter a taste as it is someone had to take action. Osborne is doing that.


Until any of these protests groups actually come up with a realistic alternative its just going to be nothing more than wasted hot air to me.

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The answer is to study and work had to eventually become the boss.


You haven't really read what I wrote let alone understand it have you?


Besides, I've done enough studying and how can people elevate themselves since the government is trying to restrict education?

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That's just crap, I work much harder than my boss. All my boss does all day is sit in meetings tossing it off and worst of all, getting it wrong the vast majority of the time. The saying, "Life is what you make it," is also crap. Life is not what you make it, life is what OTHER PEOPLE let you make it.


I watched a programme the other week about some tosser on his yacht it Monaco and he also said, he should have more because he works harder. Oh yes, he's working very hard lholidaying in France for 6 months each year to avoid paying UK tax isn't he?


Aw diddums. Jelous much.


Sitting in meetings making important decisions perhaps?


Gets it wrong "all the time" and yet still employed.... are you sure that's not just your opinion.


Why dont you apply to be a boss if you think you could do it so easily?

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I never said any of that.


Yes I feel MOST people should pay their own way with lots of things.

State should fund essential services not a lifestyle. Despite what people are saying not everything in the firing line of cuts is ESSENTIAL.


For those lucky enough to inherit enough to live their lives on or for those lucky enough to be born into a life of priviledge - fair enough. Some people are born with a silver spoon, others arn't. that's life.


Simiarly, there are those who due to illness or disability cannot ever work. State provides for them and that part of the public sector has a place in society.


BUT you are not going to persuade me otherwise that there are just one too many people who are unnecessarilly living off the state. One too many people who have taken more than their fair share out of the system. One too many labour ministers who were so petrified of losing their union funding they would simply roll over and allow Messrs Crow, Prentis, McCluskey any demands they so wished without any thought of where the money was going to come from.


It had to stop. As bitter a taste as it is someone had to take action. Osborne is doing that.


Until any of these protests groups actually come up with a realistic alternative its just going to be nothing more than wasted hot air to me.




Now you have massively moved the goal posts and gone back on what you said. I have no respect for anyone who can change their views within several minutes of someone who puts up a reasoned argument against their idiotic beliefs. You are a buffoon.

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You haven't really read what I wrote let alone understand it have you?


Yes I did, you are unhappy and digruntled at work and jealous of your boss but are not prepared to do anything about it but moan.


Besides, I've done enough studying and how can people elevate themselves since the government is trying to restrict education?


You could seek more suitable employment or start your own business.

How is your education restricted ?

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You could seek more suitable employment or start your own business.

How is your education restricted ?


You should go away and get some experience of life. You are very naive. You have much to learn. Are you at the big school yet?

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