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Protest is not enough!

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No. If he hadn't had a very privileged upbringing he would be nowhere. The fact that the majority of politicians have had very sheltered privileged backgrounds and very little experience of the world outside of politics is a major cause for concern.


I don't doubt he came from a privileged background but that doesn't mean he still didn't have to work hard.


I fully agree that politicians should have experience of life outside of politics before taking up influential positions rather than leaving university and taking up research jobs for a party and so progressing through the ranks.


The system is the same for both parties, could Tony Blair have ever been classed as a working man made good or rather compared to David Cameron.

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Ah right so you dont actually have any opinion, insight, knowledge, experience or point.


You are just here to prat around and insult.


Bye bye.


Believe what you wish. The beliefs will very probably have changed within 24 hours anyhow.

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I don't doubt he came from a privileged background but that doesn't mean he still didn't have to work hard.


I fully agree that politicians should have experience of life outside of politics before taking up influential positions rather than leaving university and taking up research jobs for a party and so progressing through the ranks.


The system is the same for both parties, could Tony Blair have ever been classed as a working man made good or rather compared to David Cameron.


I don't think hard work is what makes politicians like Cameron, more to do with having all the right connections.


I totally agree that the same is true of all parties. The last PM who did work his way up to the top properly was John Major. Sadly politics these days is increasingly reserved for a ruling class who pursude politics as a career and are more interested in grabbing what they can for themselves then serving the common good, and that much is true of all 3 main parties. :(

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I don't think hard work is what makes politicians like Cameron, more to do with having all the right connections.


I totally agree that the same is true of all parties. The last PM who did work his way up to the top properly was John Major. Sadly politics these days is increasingly reserved for a ruling class who pursude politics as a career and are more interested in grabbing what they can for themselves then serving the common good, and that much is true of all 3 main parties. :(


Cameron is actually a "product" of the ruling classes. They "manufactured" and "programmed" him to be their puppet on a string. He is their front man, carrying out their work for their benefit.;)

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Cameron is actually a "product" of the ruling classes. They "manufactured" and "programmed" him to be their puppet on a string. He is their front man, carrying out their work for their benefit.;)


Seeing that Tony Blair was from a similar background why did the Labour party have a person with this background as their leader ?

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Seeing that Tony Blair was from a similar background why did the Labour party have a person with this background as their leader ?


Because the alternative was the likes of lefty loons Prescott and Blunkett. Even the unions weren't stupid enough to believe those two could win an election. They needed a pretty boy who could con the electorate into thinking Labour had given up its tax and spend ways. Millions fell for it.


Cameron is a similar front man for the Tories. They know they can't get elected by putting up some toffee nosed twit with a title. Cameron is a complete contrast to Brown. He is intelligent, articulate, affable and competent. Whereas Brown was.....................................do I need to go on?

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Now when you have finished picking everyone else up on their posts - like you have done throughout this thread - what exactly are your beliefs??

im longing to hear them.......



Don't hold your breath. The left don't have ideas of their own. That's part of their creed. They believe what their leaders tell them. Currently, their leaders are in a state of confusion and don't know what they believe in. Their only steadfast belief is that anyone who disagrees with whatever it is they aren't sure they believe in anymore is a Tory. Geddit? No, neither do they.

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