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12 arrested in Oxford on child sex offences

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Let's also put an end to this catch all phrase 'asian'.


Asian includes Hindus and Sikhs but you rarely hear of these groups involved in cases like this.


Let's be clear and use the real word: Muslim.




Doesn't that contradict your earlier claim made in post 78, of:




Sorry, but it IS to do with religion and ethnicity.

It's because off the liberal lefties who cry 'racist' and 'xenophobe' should anyone dare criticise Muslims, they've backed themselves into a corner which means that cases like this one get pussy-footed around or swept under the carpet.



Think you've been listening to Morrisey too much!;)

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But you only condemn Asian paedophiles or Asians accused of paedophilia while ignoring white paedophiles and then you play down the possibility of this EDL bloke being a paedophile by saying it might be faked. However you don't have the same doubts about Asians. Do you have something to hide?


No I don't ONLY condemn these Asian/Muslim gangs, as I have already said, it is just not necessary to condemn every individual crime, since nobody in their right mind would condone it. If you use the search facility, I'm sure you find instances of my condemning white British criminals though.


Also if you read through the thread, I have not specifically condemned this particular gang simply because they are Asian/Muslim, in fact I commented before anything was known about their ethno-religious background.


However, something I would never do, if there was a thread on here about a white British paedophile gang, is deflect and detract away from it by saying well what about Muslim gangs, as if that would even matter at all. :huh:

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Oh Frankie Boy. You admit to being an member of the EDL, an organisation co-founded by a paedo and then you make out that paedophilia is a Muslim attack on the west. You just want to have your own little fantasy, don't you? Well paedophiles are of all races and their victims are of all races. Bigots like you just won't accept that though.


I've never admitted being a member, I don't suppose you can prove that?...Thought not...:hihi:


I can't remember anyone ever saying its only a Muslim problem. The Catholics take some beating.


What is trying to be said, if it can penetratre the foot of lard, surrounding your brain, is that this specific crime is commited by predominently groups of young Asian men.


Its not racist to say that, if its a fact. And to be afraid of discussing it because of the religion of the perperators is the worst case denial there is..

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This shocking video documentary uncovers the organised grooming and abduction of white teenagers by Asian and black gangs who force British teenagers as young as 14 into having sex and becoming prostitutes.


These gangs are operating all over the UK, but particularly in the north of England. They target vulnerable young girls by offering them alcohol and drugs, and then subject them to brutal gang rapes.


Often the girls are too afraid to speak out, and in some cases are being blackmailed into regularly returning to the gangs to have sex with older men.


This is organised crime by Asian and black communities and is going unchallenged. Our police and local authorities are turning a blind eye to it and prefer to pretend it's not happening.

The police in 04 stopped this video being put on TV!



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I've never admitted being a member, I don't suppose you can prove that?...Thought not...:hihi:


I can't remember anyone ever saying its only a Muslim problem. The Catholics take some beating.


What is trying to be said, if it can penetratre the foot of lard, surrounding your brain, is that this specific crime is commited by predominently groups of young Asian men.


Its not racist to say that, if its a fact. And to be afraid of discussing it because of the religion of the perperators is the worst case denial there is..


You said last year you'd recruited for the EDL. Why do that if you're not a member yourself? Don't lie. Your argument that paedophilia is carried out predominantly by young Asian men is factually wrong. And if you're opposed to paedophilia then why did you recruit for the EDL, an organisation co-founded by a paedo?

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I think the poster is just highlighting the point that it is not exclusively muslims that comit these types of crimes.


But the particular modus operandi of the accused in this case does indicate not particularly Muslims, but people of Pakistani heritage. It's the gang targeting under-age girls and the use of Class A drugs.


Most other sex offenders operate alone. Does this have its roots in something back home in Pakistani culture? If you're of Pakistani heritage maybe you would know the answer.


I worked in Pakistan in the 1980s and the all-male Pashtun crew I was working with would get the youngest member to dress up as a woman with make-up and everything every Saturday and then they would all shag him.:o

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No I don't ONLY condemn these Asian/Muslim gangs, as I have already said, it is just not necessary to condemn every individual crime, since nobody in their right mind would condone it. If you use the search facility, I'm sure you find instances of my condemning white British criminals though.


No. You just condemn Asian paedophiles but not white paedophiles. That suggests you're more interested in race than in sexual abuse.

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Doesn't that contradict your earlier claim made in post 78, of:




Sorry, but it IS to do with religion and ethnicity.

It's because off the liberal lefties who cry 'racist' and 'xenophobe' should anyone dare criticise Muslims, they've backed themselves into a corner which means that cases like this one get pussy-footed around or swept under the carpet.



Think you've been listening to Morrisey too much!;)


I don't see a contradiction.


It's a Muslim problem which gets swept under the carpet because of ridiculous lefty political correctness.


And point me towards a Mozza song in which he discusses the subjects on this thread please.

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No. You just condemn Asian paedophiles but not white paedophiles. That suggests you're more interested in race than in sexual abuse.


But you've no evidence for this assertion that I don't condemn white paedophiles. This thread is about the case in Oxford, which has transpired through events to be a Muslim gang which wasn't known when the thread was started, so please keep on topic.

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