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12 arrested in Oxford on child sex offences

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In one area, not far from here, EVERY SINGLE PERSON convicted of grooming underage girls in the last 5 years (over 30 in number) has been from one particular community. Make of that what you will.


my bold. Every single person CONVICTED. What about the abuse that carries on due to the police overlooking it on purpose, The rich, powerful abusers the police don't dare to question, let alone convict. You will find that a lot of those convicted are not in positions of power/ don't have the money to fight the accusations. And in this country that tends to be the poor and ethnic minorities.


Lets not tiptoe around the truth that the Asian community in Britain are constantly under fire from the media, and from the public looking for someone to blame for misfortunes in their own lives. Please don't stereotype them as paedophiles as well.

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By the way, do you believe the people of Thailand would be right to make generalisations about white males because of the prevalence of them who visit the Far East as sex tourists to abuse their children?


Obviously, if the people of Thailand perpetuated a myth that only white males abused children, or all white males abused children, they would be doing their children a disservice. However, the trend of 'white males' visiting the Far East as sex tourists needs to be discussed openly without fear of people being accused of being racist (providing they are not making racist comments, of course) and awareness needs to be highlighted, in order to protect children.


Whilst 'generalisations' especially, with regard to any particular ethnicity are often unhelpful, and sometimes totally irrelevant, Thailand would be letting its children down if it did not take steps to specifically address the abuse of their children by the "white males" you refer to.


Every country in their duty to protect children needs to examine trends from whatever section of society they come from, and, I think, on the whole, they now do.


You also blame the circumstances the child victims are born in to. In Thailand, as in this country, we have children born in to families with little economic stake in society, and these children are naturally the most vulnerable. In this sense, the victim's circumstances are often a factor, but they should never be cited as an excuse for the abuser's abhorrent behaviour.

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Obviously, if the people of Thailand perpetuated a myth that only white males abused children, or all white males abused children, they would be doing their children a disservice. However, the trend of 'white males' visiting the Far East as sex tourists needs to be discussed openly without fear of people being accused of being racist (providing they are not making racist comments, of course) and awareness needs to be highlighted, in order to protect children.


Whilst 'generalisations' especially, with regard to any particular ethnicity are often unhelpful, and sometimes totally irrelevant, Thailand would be letting its children down if it did not take steps to specifically address the abuse of their children by the "white males" you refer to.


Every country in their duty to protect children needs to examine trends from whatever section of society they come from, and, I think, on the whole, they now do.


You also blame the circumstances the child victims are born in to. In Thailand, as in this country, we have children born in to families with little economic stake in society, and these children are naturally the most vulnerable. In this sense, the victim's circumstances are often a factor, but they should never be cited as an excuse for the abuser's abhorrent behaviour.


We take action on the perverts that go abroad to have sex with kids. We have done for years. We have only just started to tackle the gangs here. Only since jack straw lifted the lid on the issue, after decades of ignoring it.

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Do you believe paedophilia and child sex abuse is exclusive or more prevalent in one community?


I hear what you say Boyfriday but is it what you really think?


The 'form' leads people to instinctively think this is likely to be Asians or East Europeans. In Oxfordshire these ethnic groups are very much the minority - about 7%. If you truly believe it is racism, and not form, leading to these assumption then you'll have no hesitation in putting your money where you mouth is and offering people odds of a mere 4-1. I'll kick things off... I'll have £100 with you.


Or do you secretly think the same thing?

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Obviously, if the people of Thailand perpetuated a myth that only white males abused children, or all white males abused children, they would be doing their children a disservice. However, the trend of 'white males' visiting the Far East as sex tourists needs to be discussed openly without fear of people being accused of being racist (providing they are not making racist comments, of course) and awareness needs to be highlighted, in order to protect children.


Whilst 'generalisations' especially, with regard to any particular ethnicity are often unhelpful, and sometimes totally irrelevant, Thailand would be letting its children down if it did not take steps to specifically address the abuse of their children by the "white males" you refer to.


Every country in their duty to protect children needs to examine trends from whatever section of society they come from, and, I think, on the whole, they now do.


You also blame the circumstances the child victims are born in to. In Thailand, as in this country, we have children born in to families with little economic stake in society, and these children are naturally the most vulnerable. In this sense, the victim's circumstances are often a factor, but they should never be cited as an excuse for the abuser's abhorrent behaviour.


I don't disagree with any of that, nor do I believe have I cited as an 'excuse' the circumstances of the victim.

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I wouldn't say the reporting is trying to not offend minority groups but rather protect the innocent ones.


People can be very stupid and could react badly maybe try take some vengence on any asian person rather than somoene who had anything to do with this.

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We take action on the perverts that go abroad to have sex with kids. We have done for years. We have only just started to tackle the gangs here. Only since jack straw lifted the lid on the issue, after decades of ignoring it.


Sex tourists still visit the Far East to abuse children, just as our own homegrown paedophiles (black and white) continue to abuse children. If you believe there were reasons why certain communities were exempted from prosecution then those reasons need to be explored, however I believe it's far more complicated than you'd have us believe.

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I hear what you say Boyfriday but is it what you really think?


The 'form' leads people to instinctively think this is likely to be Asians or East Europeans. In Oxfordshire these ethnic groups are very much the minority - about 7%. If you truly believe it is racism, and not form, leading to these assumption then you'll have no hesitation in putting your money where you mouth is and offering people odds of a mere 4-1. I'll kick things off... I'll have £100 with you.


Or do you secretly think the same thing?




Being an erudite and disciplined debater, you'll appreciate the benefits of basing statements on fact rather than innuendo, otherwise it devalues the quality of the discussion, it seemed some posters were only to eager to stick their pitchforks into something unpleasant.


If you read carefully what I've said I'm not suggesting that Asians aren't involved in child grooming, the notion I'm challenging is that it is only they that are so involved and the police have no interest in investigating complaints against Asians.


So what do I think, really? Well I think the Oxford group are Asian, but it doesn't help the dialogue by creating any relevance to that without it either being confirmed and the accused, tried and convicted. As yet they are simply under arrest and we don't know what ethnic origin they are.

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To everyone thinking they are Asian, what if they turn out to be Slovakian, Bulgarian, black or white ?

I would rather wait for more details before commenting on the race of the paedos but whoever it turns out to be they deserve locking up for a very long time.

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Being an erudite and disciplined debater, you'll appreciate the benefits of basing statements on fact rather than innuendo, otherwise it devalues the quality of the discussion, it seemed some posters were only to eager to stick their pitchforks into something unpleasant.


If you read carefully what I've said I'm not suggesting that Asians aren't involved in child grooming, the notion I'm challenging is that it is only they that are so involved and the police have no interest in investigating complaints against Asians.


So what do I think, really? Well I think the Oxford group are Asian, but it doesn't help the dialogue by creating any relevance to that without it either being confirmed and the accused, tried and convicted. As yet they are simply under arrest and we don't know what ethnic origin they are.


I'm out on parole.


As you know, there are no absolutes. Of course there are paedos and abusers from all races and cultures. That is not the issue. The issue is that there is real and specific issue within the Asian community that people are trying to avoid any acknowledgement by lobbing in PC red herrings to disrupt debate.


The fact is that the statistic odds #9based on population breakdowns) should make the odds 10-1. But they are not even 4-1, or even even money. It is odds-on. That means it is probably 10-20 times more likely that such a gang will come from the Asian community... that is a problem that we cannot ignore and need to address.


However, I admire your honesty and good sense to turn down the bet. Even if it does mean you are now racist. ;)

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