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Cat on Drakehouse Retail Park


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Hi Magsie

I posted this a little while ago http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=914652&highlight=found+ginger+cat+s13

This cat is still roaming around where I live , I dont see it all the time every few days maybe and doesnt seem to belong to neighbours in the vicinity. He is looking a little thinner and dirty so Im sure he is a stray, although since I fed him last and gave him a bed he hasnt been back to the door but has been around my garden etc. I took him to the vets and he isnt neuterd or microchipped Its the not neutered bit that is a concern :o .... Any thoughts ?

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MC, what is this cat to do with Drakehouse cat? Isn't yours an old posting. Sorry, am confused. If it's a different cat, can you post on your original posting please, otherwise people will forget about the Drakehouse cat. Thanks MC.

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MC, what is this cat to do with Drakehouse cat? Isn't yours an old posting. Sorry, am confused. If it's a different cat, can you post on your original posting please, otherwise people will forget about the Drakehouse cat. Thanks MC.


Sorry if I have done something wrong :/ I only brought the subject up because un-speyed / un-neutered cats were being discussed and he will be busy fathering kittens. Hanny had already posted about a different cat :confused: I am happy to delete my post if required ?

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Not at all MC, just start your original post again, cos it will get more attention, and your little stray will have more chance of getting the help it needs. I'm sure Cats Protection will help with neutering. :)




Anyone seen the cat at Drakehouse?

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