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Do you believe in inheritance or equality?

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It is good that you looked up the latin name for crows. Look up the latin name for old bat while you are at it.:cool:


I'm simply bored with you and your limited debating skills now so I won't bother thanks.

I'm also not in need of medication thanks and 'old bat' would generally refer to someone of the female persuasion when sadly I am not !!

Really glad you have made yourself look so stupid !!


Enjoy your discussion with others on this thread !!

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Mr. Soft, if it makes you feel any better, not everyone who inherits money has the brains to hang onto it. I know someone who inherited quite a bit of money and property. Less than 10 years later, this person was nearly 2,000,000 (no, that's not a typo) upside down on a huge house, and had run the family business (their only source of income) into the ground. I honestly don't know how they managed it. :huh:

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I'm simply bored with you and your limited debating skills now so I won't bother thanks.

I'm also not in need of medication thanks and 'old bat' would generally refer to someone of the female persuasion when sadly I am not !!

Really glad you have made yourself look so stupid !!


Enjoy your discussion with others on this thread !!


I am sorry that you are a guy who wanted to be a girl. There are people that you can go and speak to about such problems.:)

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You obviously don't treat everyone fairly as you are incapable of seeing that good can come from inheritance.

Sadly you just come over as jealous....'If I can't have it why should anyone else' !!


I agree with what owl is saying. I believe in fairness as opposed to eqauilty people can never be equal it is just the reality. Certain aspects of life perhaps you can promote eqauality but not in everything. My dad and my mum have worked really hard in life. My mum did min wage jobs and my dad worked in the car industry. So I feel that if I inherited that money I would treat it with respect and care and not blow it all on ****. My mother died last year, and I didnt automically inherit anything as my dad need the money for his pension and rightfully so. I think you sound extremley bitter dont tar everyone under the same brush -see the big picture and dont expect everyone to be charitable. Chairty comes from within, not because your rich you should give and by the way I give to charity not a lot because I am on min wage job so it depends on your vaules.

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I would ban inheritance tomorrow if I could and introduce real equality. Yo see, I am fair to everyone, not just a minority or majority. I treat everyone fairly. Such is the nature of equality.


What you're implying is that the state would seize, upon death, the assets of any person thereby removing the right of that person to pass on their wealth/house/business to anyone they may choose, whether that be a close relative, a stranger or a charity. If that was the case then I suspect that anyone who is capable of building wealth (and disliked this policy) would arrange their finances/assets/businesses so that the state could confiscate as little as possible upon their death. This state of affairs would hardly be conducive to a dynamic economy.

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What you're implying is that the state would seize, upon death, the assets of any person thereby removing the right of that person to pass on their wealth/house/business to anyone they may choose, whether that be a close relative, a stranger or a charity. If that was the case then I suspect that anyone who is capable of building wealth (and disliked this policy) would arrange their finances/assets/businesses so that the state could confiscate as little as possible upon their death. This state of affairs would hardly be conducive to a dynamic economy.


Yes, that is what I am saying. It would however stimulate the economy dramatically , so you're erroneous in the conclusion.

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Then this is tantamount to a communist policy; in what way would the economy be stimulated?


The economy would be stimulated because the money would be spent. The vast billions of personal wealth that old people are hoarding away for a rainy day would be released for local governments to spend on the death of the hoarder.


It would stop the would have been heir merely hoarding it away to give him power and position.


Release the inheritance money back to the public from where it came...YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!


Use the money for the good of the nation rather than the indulgence of some scheming, hypocritical unworthy relative.:)

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