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Do you believe in inheritance or equality?

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The economy would be stimulated because the money would be spent. The vast billions of personal wealth that old people are hoarding away for a rainy day would be released for local governments to spend on the death of the hoarder.


It would stop the would have been heir merely hoarding it away to give him power and position.


Release the inheritance money back to the public from where it came...YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!


Use the money for the good of the nation rather than the indulgence of some scheming, hypocritical unworthy relative.:)

What if the person distributed it before they died? Thats what i'd do
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What if the person distributed it before they died? Thats what i'd do


There are rules now regarding money that can be "gifted". We need to tighten these up and see that they are properly adhered to, under threat of the seizing of the whole of a persons assets if they disregard the rules. This is the way out of debt for our country. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!

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What if the person distributed it before they died? Thats what i'd do


I think if the money or property is distributed within something like 5 or 7 years before the owner dies, it may still class as taxable (ineritance tax) I'm not too sure on this but I'm sure it's back-dated to several years before you die.


ie, if you gave your house to a relative 1 year before you died, the tax man will come after that relative when you're gone.

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There are rules now regarding money that can be "gifted". We need to tighten these up and see that they are properly adhered to, under threat of the seizing of the whole of a persons assets if they disregard the rules. This is the way out of debt for our country. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!
So in other words theres nothing you can do about it?


I don't know it makes sense. Running the country like a huge kibbutz makes no sense.

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So in other words theres nothing you can do about it?


I don't know it makes sense. Running the country like a huge kibbutz makes no sense.


Is the country anywhere near perfect now?

What is wrong with a kibbutz?

Why would my system lead to a country that is less fair?

Would the country be better than it is now under such a system?

Would people be born more equal than they are now?

It is an excellent system....YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!:)

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I think if the money or property is distributed within something like 5 or 7 years before the owner dies, it may still class as taxable (ineritance tax) I'm not too sure on this but I'm sure it's back-dated to several years before you die.


ie, if you gave your house to a relative 1 year before you died, the tax man will come after that relative when you're gone.


The seven year rule for property was changed a few years ago. AND RIGHTLY SO!:cool:

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Is the country anywhere near perfect now?
No. But your system wouldn't make it any more perfect

What is wrong with a kibbutz?
Nothing when you run it as a kibbutz. I.E on a small scale

Why would my system lead to a country that is less fair?
Less fair is not quite the way i'd put it. Why should a person work all their life accrue assets then have those assets seized by the state? A persons life work should be theirs to do what they wish with. Not decided for them by the state. Paying tax on it is reasonable but seizing the whole lot is absolutely not.

Would the country be better than it is now under such a system?
Hard to say. If I were very wealthy i'd be hiring lawyers to find the loopholes to keep my wealth within my family. Or i'd just not bother trying to accrue wealth.


You're assuming everyone is like you. They aren't.

Would people be born more equal than they are now?
No. People aren't born equal. Redistributing wealth in any fashion doesn't redistribute equality. People will always be different. You can level out the playing field to an extent but you can't force people to be equal no matter how hard you try.

It is an excellent system....YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!:)
It isn't an excellent system. The current system of inheritence tax has led to people handing wealth over to avoid that tax. If you try to seize assets and estates you will see a drain of those assets and estates out of the country as people protect their wealth.
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No. But your system wouldn't make it any more perfect.


Why are you even trying to debate with this troll? It's clear you're not going to get anywhere if the last few pages are evidence of anything. It's obvious he's an old poster who's been banned and has come back as he's got nothing better to do.


He's already insulted half the forum with his condescending attitude, contradictory commentary, and brainless theories.


Just let this thread - and others like it - die.

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Why are you even trying to debate with this troll? It's clear you're not going to get anywhere if the last few pages are evidence of anything. It's obvious he's an old poster who's been banned and has come back as he's got nothing better to do.


He's already insulted half the forum with his condescending attitude, contradictory commentary, and brainless theories.


Just let this thread - and others like it - die.

I was too lazy to read the thread.


Will stop now.

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