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Do you believe in inheritance or equality?

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Some people who get lots of this "free money" look down on people who claim benefits as if they are inferior. I got news for them, they are scroungers too and they should earn their own money too. They are no better than the other scroungers.


Some people may be like this but don't fall into the trap of thinking everyone is the same. In exactly the same was as some benefit claimers are definitely scroungers whereas others have suffered misfortune or are desperate to work. Everybody is an individual with individual circumstances so instead of concentrating on the minority why not consider the majority !!

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There is nothing wrong with that. You do with your money as you wish. Do not expect me to respect these people though. They are just as much scroungers as people who claim benefits. They should earn their own money and believe in equality by giving the dirty money away.


Dirty money ??? What about those that use inheritance in a positive way and as a result, end up contributing more.

You seem to have a very narro0w view of the world if I might say.

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Some people may be like this but don't fall into the trap of thinking everyone is the same. In exactly the same was as some benefit claimers are definitely scroungers whereas others have suffered misfortune or are desperate to work. Everybody is an individual with individual circumstances so instead of concentrating on the minority why not consider the majority !!


I would ban inheritance tomorrow if I could and introduce real equality. Yo see, I am fair to everyone, not just a minority or majority. I treat everyone fairly. Such is the nature of equality.

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Explain why.


It shouldn't need explaining. No one asks for their parents to die do they?


Your assumption is that they/I scrounged for it, that we should work for money. I do now as I did then. Why would I/we/they consider ourselves to be above benefit claimants.

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I would ban inheritance tomorrow if I could and introduce real equality. Yo see, I am fair to everyone, not just a minority or majority. I treat everyone fairly. Such is the nature of equality.


You obviously don't treat everyone fairly as you are incapable of seeing that good can come from inheritance.

Sadly you just come over as jealous....'If I can't have it why should anyone else' !!

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I would ban inheritance tomorrow if I could and introduce real equality. Yo see, I am fair to everyone, not just a minority or majority. I treat everyone fairly. Such is the nature of equality.


Let me know if you cop for a windfall, I'll take it off your hands so you don't feel bad.

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I would ban inheritance tomorrow if I could and introduce real equality. Yo see, I am fair to everyone, not just a minority or majority. I treat everyone fairly. Such is the nature of equality.


Why stop at inheritance? Kids with rich parents may get nicer clothes, toys holidays etc than kids with poor parents. That not equal is it? If you want real equality why not enforce a national wage so everyone earns exactly the same, whether they are are unemployed, a nuclear scientist or working in peoples tractor factory 54? Wouldn't that be just super?

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Neither, there's not such thing as equality even though businesses have introduced equality schemes for example. Equality policies are a contradiction of terms. Inheritance happens, that's just fortunate for the beneficiary. What I object to is that because people get handed stuff on a plate they often consider themselves better than most people and they expect a right to everyone i.e. The old boys club


Too true. The problem now is that the same families have had money (and thus vast power) for many generations. They have learned how to conserve their fortunes by putting up puppets like Cameron to keep them where they are and drive everyone else down. They are the ruling classes and inheritance serves them well.

We should get rid of them by any possible means.

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