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Do you believe in inheritance or equality?

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Whether you appreciate it or not my dear. If we banned inheritance we would give this country the biggest moral and financial boost that it has ever had. We would give ALL children a chance to compete on equal terms. What better gift could we give to our children that equality and the means to compete on equal terms. It would redress the balance between rich and poor and slash crime within a few years.


Just as I said.......absolutely 'Barking' !!!!

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How, exactly, would depriving the wealthy of their cash stop crime in any way?


Really, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear this answer...


Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. It rests easily with you.

Much crime is a direct result of the vast difference between the haves (like myself) and people like you.

If we thus took away this inequality it would slash crime.:)

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Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. It rests easily with you.

Much crime is a direct result of the vast difference between the haves (like myself) and people like you.

If we thus took away this inequality it would slash crime.:)


Hows the view from under the bridge?

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Yeah. You really did.


But like any SF troll, you're obviously going to pretend you're better than that!


No. I did not. That is merely your perception of what I said. You "spun" it to say what you wished it to say.

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Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. It rests easily with you.

Much crime is a direct result of the vast difference between the haves (like myself) and people like you.

If we thus took away this inequality it would slash crime.:)


Interesting how your attack / response meant you avoided actually answering the question.


That's... totally unexpected!

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Hows the view from under the bridge?


It is truly amazing that if people have a point of view that differs from the norm, they are accused of trolling. That is merely an indication of your tunneled vision approach to people and life. It is a failing of theirs, not mine.

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Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. It rests easily with you.


Interesting how your attack / response meant you avoided actually answering the question.


That's... totally unexpected!


No. I did not. That is merely your perception of what I said. You "spun" it to say what you wished it to say.


Ooh so you never actually said:


Do not expect me to respect these people though. They are just as much scroungers as people who claim benefits. They should earn their own money and believe in equality by giving the dirty money away.


Yeah, sounds completely reasonable and not all all jealous or bitter.


And there's absolutely NO pre-judgement there at ALL, is there?

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