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Pie Tax horror announced in Budget

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But was there any need really? Money grabbing so and so's. I don't think any food should have VAT added unless you eat out I suppose (restaurant not Greggs). Maybe then people can eat proper food instead of stuffing their kids with supermarket value biscuits instead.

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Just passed Greggs on The Moor. Shocking scenes. Whole families in tears, crowds trying to break down the doors, staff sheltering behind the counter armed only with a steak slice.


Oh, the humanity!


You can't negate bad decisions by reducing the situation into absurdity.

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Obesity will rise as more families cannot afford to buy fresh/quality foods.


Greggs will still be a lot cheaper than buying food elsewhere if you are stuck in town and need to grab something quick to eat. It's another tax on the poor.


This government stinks to high heaven.

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I don't think Gideon announced this with any few to it being a "fat tax" or an attempt to push people towards healthy eating, he just saw it as addressing a borderline anomaly.


It is claimed (ha!) that by removing the anomalies and "simplifying" the VAT categories it will lead to greater compliance and less error for taxpayers, sorry customers.

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I can't believe how this nugget wasn't headline news rather than the "Granny tax" as surely it will affect many more people and a goodly proportion of Sheffielders.


£30million wiped off Greggs value as shares plunge 5%.


Sausage rolls, pasties and pies up 20%.


Oh the horror!


Won't somebody please think of the fat children!


Just think, all the scrubbers who frequent Greggs will probably starve.

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