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New strategy on alcohol

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It won't put the price up for anyone who drinks normal drink. Only people who drink super strength discount cider and lager.

How do you know, do you know what the alchohol content point of increase will be.? i have also heard the "three for £20 offers" will be stopped...what a discgrace...

And while were talking about it..where are these really cheap loss leaders that i hear people banging on about, i have been in the supermarkets loads of times and never seen the beer as cheap as water like they keep talking about :huh:

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How do you know, do you know what the alchohol content point of increase will be.? i have also heard the "three for £20 offers" will be stopped...what a discgrace...

And while were talking about it..where are these really cheap loss leaders that i hear people banging on about, i have been in the supermarkets loads of times and never seen the beer as cheap as water like they keep talking about :huh:


I bought a 2 litre bottle of cider at Asda ladst night, that has gone up from £1.53 to £2. I see Morrisons have brought the buy one for £7 or 3 for £20 only they have reduced the packs from 12 cans to 10.

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How do you know, do you know what the alchohol content point of increase will be.?
Yes, it's been widely published. 40p/unit as a minimum.

It doesn't seem like it will affect anything except the cheapest drinks, although that may well have a knock on effect pushing everything up slightly from the bottom.

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  • 6 months later...
Seeing as the government wish to increase the price of alcohol to stop abuses would it be an idea to reintroduce licencing hours as were in force when I was younger.

Monday to Friday 11-3 and 5.30 - 10.30

Saturday night pubs stayed open a bit later.

Sunday 12 - 2 and 7 - 10.30

There was 10 minutes drinking up time allowed.

Instead of purchasing alcohol from supermarkets as is done now go back to the off licences system where you went to buy it.

The police used to visit pubs and check youngsters ages. They did not tolerate public drunkenness


No is the simple answer to that. The reason being is licensing laws in the olden days both restricted drinking for those sensible people who wanted a drink as well as you had the ringing of the bell for closing time. This encouraged people to down pints at the end of the session (which makes people more drunk).


I have experience of alcohol as my father died from it. The solution is not to restrict alcohol but the oposite to be more liberal like in Europe and tackle the real problem. Why are people drinking too much. Answering this question and solving the factors that lead people drink rather than restricting drink is the key. As if you restrict it. These alcoholics will find otherways to drink too much and still cause a problem for us to deal with. So we need to tackle the root cause of the drinking instead.


Good examples of positive drinking include the beer festival going on tonight. Where people are tasting the ales on offer and drinking moderately and enjoying the experience rather than getting hammered. Camera is an organisation that should be praised for this and I am proud to be a member of.

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No is the simple answer to that. The reason being is licensing laws in the olden days both restricted drinking for those sensible people who wanted a drink as well as you had the ringing of the bell for closing time. This encouraged people to down pints at the end of the session (which makes people more drunk).


I have experience of alcohol as my father died from it. The solution is not to restrict alcohol but the oposite to be more liberal like in Europe and tackle the real problem. Why are people drinking too much. Answering this question and solving the factors that lead people drink rather than restricting drink is the key. As if you restrict it. These alcoholics will find otherways to drink too much and still cause a problem for us to deal with. So we need to tackle the root cause of the drinking instead.


Good examples of positive drinking include the beer festival going on tonight. Where people are tasting the ales on offer and drinking moderately and enjoying the experience rather than getting hammered. Camera is an organisation that should be praised for this and I am proud to be a member of.


I've not noticed us ever agree on anything before, so this comes as a pleasant surprise. You are spot on.

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Could you explain wht the streets of towns are full of drunks at kicking out time?


Reasons i think vv


Prices of drink in bars now are one big factor

much cheaper in the supermarkets


plus in the house we all have more things to pass the time

which stops many going out in our " cold Weather "


And last but not least, its much more safer in the house ..

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Woodmally is spot on. The worst thing I ever heard was the MP saying, look,this will not affect the price of the wine when you eat in a restaurant etc,etc. Exactly, but he is preventing people who may not be able to afford to eat out from enjoying a drink at home.

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