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Can I ask your opinion on this video.

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I agree with this new Youtube policy. There's nothing sadder than reading a bunch of people being really offensive to each other on a video about religion on Youtube.


You can challenge a religion without 'attacking' and 'demonising' it, if you can't tolerate others, why should Youtube tolerate you.


If someone went up to a Muslim in the street and said his religion was bull**** he'd get arrested, so Youtube's policy of removing videos of people attacking religion is absolutely right.

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If someone went up to a Muslim in the street and said his religion was bull**** he'd get arrested, so Youtube's policy of removing videos of people attacking religion is absolutely right.


The thing is though, in that scenario the Mulsim has no choice, he's just walking down the street minding his own business and then gets harassed.


In contrast, in order to be offended by a youtube video you have to intentionally click on it yourself, and you have the option to stop watching at any time.

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The thing is though, in that scenario the Mulsim has no choice, he's just walking down the street minding his own business and then gets harassed.


In contrast, in order to be offended by a youtube video you have to intentionally click on it yourself, and you have the option to stop watching at any time.


Ok you could argue he could walk away anytime.


The fact is there are thousands of videos on Youtube with religious people talking about how much they love God and numb scull atheists denouncing it.


Well the atheist didn't have to click on the video, he didn't have to attack the religion, and if he wanted to challenge it he could have done it in a nice way, that doesn't happen.


Why the atheists can't leave the religious people be is beyond me, if someone believes in a man in the sky, it isn't hurting you.


Atheists leave religion alone, religionists leave atheism alone, you both have extremist/fundamentalist views anyway and the agnostics amongst us don't want to hear about it.

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Well the atheist didn't have to click on the video, he didn't have to attack the religion, and if he wanted to challenge it he could have done it in a nice way, that doesn't happen.


Why the atheists can't leave the religious people be is beyond me, if someone believes in a man in the sky, it isn't hurting you.

Their beliefs don't hurt me, or others no. The things they do because of their beliefs do though. For example this particualr video was about a man who is quite possibly going to be put to death because of thousands of religious nutjobs


Maybe you're ok with ignoring that, I am not.


Atheists leave religion alone, religionists leave atheism alone, you both have extremist/fundamentalist views anyway and the agnostics amongst us don't want to hear about it.
It is absurd that you try to paint moral equivalence between making videos criticising and taking the mickey out of religion and calling for the death of people.
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I agree with this new Youtube policy. There's nothing sadder than reading a bunch of people being really offensive to each other on a video about religion on Youtube.


You can challenge a religion without 'attacking' and 'demonising' it, if you can't tolerate others, why should Youtube tolerate you.


If someone went up to a Muslim in the street and said his religion was bull**** he'd get arrested, so Youtube's policy of removing videos of people attacking religion is absolutely right.


Have you watched the video. The guy who the Saudis are wanting dead didn't directly insult Islam in his tweets. He gave his personal opinion on what he won't do for Mohammed.


According to the article, he wrote:


"I love many things about you and hate others, and there are many things about you I don't understand. "


"I won't bow in front of you, I won't kiss your hand. Instead I will shake it as an equal."


"No Saudi women will go to hell, because it's impossible to go their twice."


Also, there's the amnesty International page.



Notice how Facebook haven't banned a page for calling for someone's death.



A guardian article.



Perhaps the author of that should be put to death too.


Can someone explain to me why we shouldn't criticise or even ridicule a belief system that brainwashes it's followers enough for them to collectively wish death on others.


Where exactly is the peace in Islam?

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A guardian article.



Perhaps the author of that should be put to death too.


Can someone explain to me why we shouldn't criticise or even ridicule a belief system that brainwashes it's followers enough for them to collectively wish death on others.


Where exactly is the peace in Islam?


Did you even bother to read the article in your own link?


Rewind 1,400 years, and there are countless examples where the prophet Muhammad utilised the latter approach. One tradition relates that an elderly woman used to throw rubbish on the prophet whenever he passed by her house. This occurred on a daily basis, yet he showed no signs of anger or irritation. One day, the rubbish-throwing ritual stopped, and Muhammad asked a neighbour where the woman had disappeared to. Upon being told that she was unwell, the prophet asked for permission to pay a visit and assist with her recovery. The elderly woman was so moved by this act of kindness, she converted to Islam straight away.


The people threatening Hamza Kashgari should stop, re-examine their motives and remember what Islam is actually for. It is not a sword or shield for the global political stage, nor is it a stick with which to beat minorities. Finally, it is not the equivalent of a product manual, as some followers seem to think. Instead, it is a belief system designed to purify the human heart. There is a famous hadith which encapsulates this beautifully. In it, the prophet says: "Verily, in the body there is a piece of flesh. If it is sound, the body is all sound. If it is corrupt, the body is all corrupt. Verily, it is the heart."


(Bold) That is how the majority view Islam. It is about making things easier not harder.


If some group/individual take one negative stance it does not mean this is from Islam.

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You can tell he is a phony from ten seconds in but his position in the rotten Saudi hierarchy probably demands he acts in this manner.

I thought we had shown cowardice with regard to recent extradition proceedings involving the USA and British citizens but the Malaysian authorities beat us hands down and I had thought Malaysia to be one of the more enlightened Muslim states.

Personally I think people who use so-called social networking sites are largely idiots and such as Mr Stacey deserve the consequences wreaked upon them but I do regret the effects on free speech that Youtube's policy has.

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(Bold) That is how the majority view Islam. It is about making things easier not harder.


If some group/individual take one negative stance it does not mean this is from Islam.


As we've been through multiple times now baz, that is their interpretation, you have your own.


Neither of you have any grounds for claiming that yours is the 'true' Islam.


You can't just 'no true scotsman' away all of the nasty Muslims out there.

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