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BBC Sport Relief - A bit cheeky?

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It means you probably had to cover 26 miles to find a pub not showing it or you dont live near me.....


The art of escaping the experience of sport relief on tv would have required the skills of Houdini. Houdini couldnt have escaped it.......hes a famous escapologist..... Irony


"Ran a marathon then" as a response is also irony........ thats not the white piano keys beside the ebony ones that paul Mcartney sung about but a comedic parallel in that a sporting event was probably required to engage in the avoidance of sport.



English enough ?

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On principle I won't donate a single penny to any charity that is involved in overseas aid. The government has cut, and is still cutting, essential services in this country just so that the international aid budget can be increased massively, during a time of austerity.


It is morally wrong to donate money for overseas aid when there is so much wrong (and getting worse) with our own country.

Really? That's rather a sweeping statement.

With the ConDem government taking more and more money out of direct and indirect taxation to fund international development aid (taking from the poor in this rich country and giving it to the rich in poor countries) there is absolutely no need for anybody to feel any twinge of conscience about not giving to Sport Relief.


Donating money to charity is compulsory for everyone living in the UK.

... whereas donating to Sport Relief isn't compulsory, so this is not really relevant to this thread.

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Why dont these men and women stop having kids? i would never bring a kid in to the world unless i could afford to look after them and make sure they are safe.


Yes i know in some cultures women are not allowed to refuse sex to there husband thus getting pregnant, but you think if these women have boys and these boys see the suffering etc why the hell do they grow up acting like there dad?

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The bit they just showed with the kids in Sierra Leone was heartbreaking ,why do people get up in arms when our Government has an overseas vaccination programme?


On principle I won't donate a single penny to any charity that is involved in overseas aid. The government has cut, and is still cutting, essential services in this country just so that the international aid budget can be increased massively, during a time of austerity.


It is morally wrong to donate money for overseas aid when there is so much wrong (and getting worse) with our own country.



I concur INTERVIEWER, sort out our problems first, then we may be able to help foreign countries. The policy of madness to send billions overseas when our country is on it's uppers.



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Wouldn't it be better if, inbetween the charity films, the BBC (supposedly the best news service in the world) would actually educate the people of this country as to why there are so many sick and starving people in the world.

I watched Sportrelief last night after work and saw nothing about the British mining companies extracting precious minerals from Sierra Leone, or Monsanto killing Indian farmers with their crippling contracts that ensure the farmers are forever in debt. Or the WTO who a few years ago ruled that the Indian government be forced to stop distributing subsidised food to the poor as it breached competition law.

And nothing of companies like Glencore, who benefitted to the tune of £50m in UN food aid. The same company that went long on wheat before the drought affected 2010 Russian harvest, then lobbied the Russian government to ban exports, lifting the price even higher.

If the BBC decided to report more of these things (and I haven't even mentioned the World Bank, and it's oppressive policies) then maybe pressure would be applied on governments to stop this financial terrorism once and for all.

Individuals have very little power on their own which is why the powers that be encourage charity giving as a national event; everyone feels like they have done their bit, and their conscience is eased until next time. If everybody who gave last night used their resources to refuse to be brainwashed by the government and it's multinational friends, then maybe things could change.

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Why dont these men and women stop having kids? i would never bring a kid in to the world unless i could afford to look after them and make sure they are safe.


Many people have children in this country when they can't afford to have them. It doesn't stop people here who have been educated, so why would it in a country where they have had no education? The reason they survive here is because we pay state benefits so people don't starve or go without water and shelter.

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Many people have children in this country when they can't afford to have them. It doesn't stop people here who have been educated, so why would it in a country where they have had no education? The reason they survive here is because we pay state benefits so people don't starve or go without water and shelter.


Yeah it happens here but there is social services to get involved if the child is suffering, they have nothing over there, so why bring children into a world where you can afford to feed them let alone anything else?


They should either shut there legs or stick something on the end of it, this would also bring down the amount of AID's being spread about.

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It means you probably had to cover 26 miles to find a pub not showing it or you dont live near me.....


The art of escaping the experience of sport relief on tv would have required the skills of Houdini. Houdini couldnt have escaped it.......hes a famous escapologist..... Irony


"Ran a marathon then" as a response is also irony........ thats not the white piano keys beside the ebony ones that paul Mcartney sung about but a comedic parallel in that a sporting event was probably required to engage in the avoidance of sport.



English enough ?


That's okay! I just didn't grasp what you meant. My local didn't have it on!

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Yeah it happens here but there is social services to get involved if the child is suffering, they have nothing over there, so why bring children into a world where you can afford to feed them let alone anything else?


They should either shut there legs or stick something on the end of it, this would also bring down the amount of AID's being spread about.


I think its against their religion to use contraception, as silly as it is. And, once they are married, if their man wants to have sex with them, they have little choice. Thats just the way it works over there, they know nothing else.

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Am I missing something here?


I thought that 'Sport Relief' should go to sport facilities here in the UK not for giving to Africa to solve their health problems?


This Country already gives a huge amount of money to overseas aid and has Red Nose Day for these charities. The money doesn't get to the people that need it anyway - their government spends it.

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